To achieve full marks you are required to complete this assignment using R Markdown to compile a reproducible PDF file for your submission and use the Git version control. On iLearn you only need to submit your pdf file, no need to submit your .Rmd file. For the Git repository you need to submit both files. You need to submit your assignment via the provided submission link on iLearn by the due date. To further score mar

To achieve full marks you are required to complete this assignment using R Markdown to compile a reproducible PDF file for your submission and use the Git version control. On iLearn you only need to submit
your pdf file, no need to submit your .Rmd file. For the Git repository you need to submit both files.
You need to submit your assignment via the provided submission link on iLearn by the due date. To further
score marks for Question 4, you have to push the assignment file to provided Github repository.
You may discuss the assignment in the early stages with your fellow students. However, the assignment
submitted should be your own work.
The R Markdown ‘Cheatsheet’ from the RStudio team is given here.
In your answers to the questions below, produce the appropriate R output and explanation of the steps and
results. Don’t include any more R output than necessary and include only concise explanations.
The Part I practice assignment is worth 5%, and the part II main assignment is worth 20% of the unit
marks. This is an assessment task that will test both your statistical knowledge and technical skills used in
this unit.
Question 1 [45 marks] – Tests your applied statistics skills
Question 2 [30 marks] – Tests your applied statistics skills
Question 3 [20 marks] – Tests your RMarkdown technical skills
Marking Guide/Rubric for this question:
• Only 10 marks if the assignment file is compiled from RMD to HTML/Word (even if you then convert
it into a PDF file).
• Full 20 marks if the assignment file is compiled directly from RMD to PDF with LATEX.
Question 4 [10 marks] – Tests your Git version control technical skills
Marking Guide/Rubric for this question:
• Only 5 marks if only uploaded to the designated repository once or you didn’t include your StudentID
as part of the assignment filename.
• Full 10 marks if used proper Github submission workflow: if submitted at least twice into the designated repository with proper description, commit and push. Also, your StudentID is included in the
assignment filename.
A small tutorial on R Markdown
The following are some notes to kickstart into your R Markdown journey (we discuss some of these in more
details in Week 6 Part B Lecture and also in various SGTAs).
1. If you see an error message of pdflatex not found, then you are at the right place. To knit to a pdf
you need to install LATEX on your computer. This is rather big (e.g. MacTeX is approximate 4.7Gb and
MiKTex 192Mb), but a recommended option. Before installing anything, make sure you have admin
right to your computer before you start. If you have encountered issues with the installation of LATEX,
then you could try to install via tinytex which is much more light-weight. Open R and enter the
following commands:
• See Week 6 Part B Lecture for some other alternatives.
• For Mac users, you may be asked to install Xcode (another rather big installation). We only
need a small piece of it called the command-line tools. Run the following line: xcode-select
–install in the Terminal to continue. You should be able to find the Terminal tab next to the
Console tab in RStudio.
2. To communicate your assignment results to us (this is the knitting part), you need to know some
markdown & LATEX syntax. Learning Markdown syntax will help with your formatting while learning
LATEX syntax will allow you to typeset Mathematics (copying ß into your .Rmd file and assuming it
would work is one of the most common errors) in your assignment. Here are some resources to get you
• Markdown tutorial – 10 minutes tutorial link
• Mathematics in R Markdown link
• Remember Google is your best friend, and you should google whatever error messages you got.
Able to debug your own code with Google (learn how to select the right keywords to improve
your searches) and by trial and error is part of the learning process. Please give this a go before
reaching out for help.
• Now create a new R Markdown document from RStudio and knit it.
3. If you are experiencing persisting or last minute (LATEX) compiling issues, Posit Cloud is an excellent
platform. Simply upload everything online and knit.
4. For those who decide to use the Posit Cloud platform, you will have to download the pdf file instead
of printing to a pdf at the end. Printing to a pdf, unfortunately, will turn each page into an image and
then the submission system will reject it.
5. It is also our recommendation to knit often so that you know which line(s) of code is(are) giving you
the problem. (There is a keyboard short-cut for knitting.) This is not so dissimilar to when you work
with the console that you only run a line at a time to identify the issue.
6. Another common mistake is that students use the code read.csv(“dat.csv”) and then assume R
would be able to know (magically) that you are referring to dat.csv in a folder far far away (in the
Download folder probably) from your .Rmd file. At this point of the semester, you should all have your
.Rproj file and workspace setup already so, that everything will be run from there. Please go back to
Week 1 lecture for more details.
7. If you are stuck, create a post on the iLearn forum! Also, check earlier posts before creating a new
one. Most of the time, your issues have been discussed and resolved already


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