TR3203: Startup Business Case
In 2020, Dr. Zhang Yan Liang, co-founder of Weston Robot, had just managed the operations of his company for a little more than 6 months when the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic hit many businesses island-wide.
In 2019, Weston Robot was founded by Dr. Zhang Yan Liang due to his passion for robotics and his keen belief that robots can have a huge application in improving our everyday lives.
Dr. Zhang has been based in Canada for a large part of his life after graduating from the Nanyang Technological University (NTU) with a Bachelor’s degree in Computer Engineering and a Ph.D. in Robotics.
Dr. Zhang then returned to China at the end of 2015 to pursue an academic role in robotics at the International Robotics College and he subsequently joined one of the biggest robotics companies in China, AgileX, as their Chief Scientist.
In 2019, Dr. Zhang returned to Singapore, and eventually, his belief in building robotics solutions led to the formation of Weston Robot which is encapsulated by the vision “Accelerate Robot Adoption”.