Using the article review format provided below, respond to two articles both on best teaching practices in a particular area

Using the article review format provided below, respond to two articles both on best teaching practices in a particular area of TESOL [speaking/listening, reading, writing, vocabulary, grammar, etc.). The articles must be from one of the education peer-reviewed journals available in the library. Try to select articles not older than 2010. Include a copy of the articles (will not be graded without inclusion of articles).
For each article, you will read each article and write a short narrative to describe it. Your summaries should be no more than two paragraphs (unless you choose a very long article). The tone of your response should be academic in nature. In the response section, you should be critical as you analyze the readings. Consider the subject matter of the articles but think about the perspective of the authors. Decide if the readings sufficiently cover the topic and describes your perspective. Were your opinions challenged? Determine the extent of the validity and reliability of the works you are reading. Discuss what you found interesting, enlightening, contributory, challenging or inappropriate and explain why you thought this. Are there common points made across the two articles? Do the articles present any conflicting information? Finally, you must also explain how you would apply what you learned in a classroom school-based, or educational context.
Here are some specifications and suggestions:
The deliverable for this assignment is a short narrative. This is about 4 pages double spaced, typed at 12-point font. It’s the quality of your words we are interested in, not the quantity.
Include a References page at the end of the paper.
Reflect on the “big” ideas presented in the papers/articles. Describe these in detail.
Do not make lists or use bullets.
Subheadings are helpful to provide structure for your paper (Introduction, Summary, Response/Analysis, Curriculum Applications, References).
Proofread your work! Use correct grammar, spelling, sentence structure, etc. This is expected in all graduate level writing.
Use examples to support your thoughts, opinions, and perspectives.
Limit quotations in the response section (do not quote in the summary section). Only quote if it is something unique to the literature that should not be stated in your own words. Remember, you only have so many words… this narrative needs to be your work.
It is helpful to describe your thoughts on the article but do not rant or bash the ideas presented. This is not professional.
You may use first person, if you feel strongly about making a point from your personal experience (keep this to a minimum). Do NOT use the phrase “the writer/the author” when referring to yourself. Few journals consider this appropriate.
Organize your materials and develop an introduction and conclusion.
Be very careful to avoid plagiarism (even self-plagiarism).
Use APA style for in-text citations and the References page.

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