Using the following PICOT question write the following paper in APA 7th edition

Using the following PICOT question write the following paper in APA 7th edition format following the instructions below:

In adult burn patients undergoing surgery (P), does the implementation
of a multimodal pain management protocol (I) compared to a standard
opioid-based pain management protocol (C) improve pain control, reduce
opioid use, and enhance patient satisfaction (O) within the first 48
hours post-surgery (T)?

Use your clinical question to create keywords and complete a literature search using three scholarly research resources.
and save full text (PDF) of 3 research articles (primary or secondary
research studies based on high levels of evidence) dated within the past
5 years. Do not use lower levels of evidence articles
such as quality improvement project, scoping review, literature review
or integrative review.
Select articles that show your nursing
intervention is effective in achieving your desired outcome stated in
your clinical question. For example, if you plan to implement yoga as
a nursing intervention to enhance weight loss, all 3 studies must find
(reported under the results/findings section) that yoga is an effective
weight-loss strategy. If you cannot find studies to support your
intervention and outcome, consider the need to edit your intervention
and outcome within the clinical question. Then, repeat the literature
search using the revised keywords.
Use 1 to 2 short, direct quotes and multiple paraphrases as supportive evidence throughout the paper with in-text citations and matching references formatted in APA style.
Each short, direct quote should contain less than 20 words.
Each paragraph should contain a minimum of 4 sentences and a maximum of 6 to 8 sentences.

Use a total of 4 sources, including the 3 research articles and
the assigned course textbook (text book: Melnyk, B. M., &
Fineout-Overholt, E. (2023). Evidence-based practice in nursing &
healthcare: A guide to best practice (5th ed.). Wolters Kluwer. ISBN-13:

Complete a 4-page APA formatted paper (excluding the title and reference pages) to include the following:

1. Introduction (1 paragraph): Use the selected articles as sources as you:

Identify and introduce a nurse-related topic of interest.
Describe your interest in the topic.
Include a purpose statement.

2. Clinical Question (1 sentence): State your nurse-driven intervention clinical question. Do not discuss the PICOT components.

3. Justification of the Topic (1 paragraph): Discuss one reason why this topic should be investigated and provide an in-text citation to support your claim for the reason.

4. Findings (3 paragraphs): Paraphrase the 3 research articles with in-text citations to report a summary of the findings. Do not use direct quotes. Summarize each article in one paragraph by identifying the:

5. Recommendations (1 paragraph): Based on your findings, use evidence with in-text citations from the research findings to discuss two recommendations for improving clinical practice (bedside and patient care). Support each recommendation with evidence.

6. Conclusions (1 paragraph): Provide a concise summary of the evidence on the topic and state how the evidence you found support your clinical question. Do not include new information.


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