Using what you have learned about various co-teaching models, think


Using what you have learned about various co-teaching models, think about how each of those models could be applied to a small group of students and how use of each co-teaching technique could benefit the students in the group.

In a 500-750 word narrative, discuss the following:

  • Summarize      three co-teaching models you could use to deliver the lesson. (Kindergarten      Sight words is the lesson plan)
  • Explain how      the use of each co-teaching model applies elements of effective      collaboration to support learning for students with disabilities.
  • Explain how      each co-teaching model would be applied by describing what it would look      like when being implemented in the classroom.
  • Justify how      the use of each co-teaching model could benefit the students that make up      the small group.

Support your findings with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide


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