Using your search strategy from the first assessment, identify 10 of the most relevant articles on the topic and familiarise yourself with their content. Out of the 10, choose 5 and write an annotated bibliography for each justifying your choice after each Annotated bibliography based on sample, methodology, clinical context, etc. Here is a lin

Using your search strategy from the first assessment, identify 10 of the most relevant articles on the topic and familiarise yourself with their content. Out of the 10, choose 5 and write an annotated bibliography for each justifying your choice after each Annotated bibliography based on sample, methodology, clinical context, etc.
Here is a link with some useful information
1. Bibliography list of the 10 articles (not in the word count)
2. Annotated Bibliography – 5 articles – (200-250 words) and justification for inclusion (max 150 words)
Marking Guide – Annotated Bibliography
Structure and writing style – 25%


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