Assignment Task
This is not a research paper and you are not required to refer to texts outside of the course materials, but you may do so if you wish. If citations are needed, please use internal, social science style references within the text of your answer – these should simply state the author’s name, year (if necessary), and page number (e.g. Subedi, 2011, 203). Do not include footnotes, endnotes, or bibliographies. You must use your own words and should limit direct quotations from other sources. Plagiarism will not be tolerated, assignments will be screened via Turnitin, and the relevant University rules apply. Grades will be reduced each day a submission is late: if the assignment would have been given a B grade but is one day late it will receive a B-. After 2 days it will receive a C+, etc. When I mark your assignments, I will consider whether you have done the following:
1. Provided a thorough analysis of the issues/question based on the available course materials and bearing in mind the word limit. You should engage in critical evaluation of issues, rather than mere description.
2. Presented clear, persuasive arguments and supported your arguments and statements with reasons and evidence.
3. Used relevant examples. (If your discussion includes information that is unrelated or extraneous to answering the question, this will hurt your mark).
4. Used a clear, direct writing style with few or no typos or other avoidable errors.
5. Produced a well-organized and well-written answer, with appropriate references to sources (course materials) where necessary. Used quotation marks where needed – but not too many direct quotes.
1. Are human rights truly “universal, indivisible, interdependent and interrelated” as claimed in the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action adopted at the World Conference on Human Rights in 1993? Please discuss with reference to one or more of the substantive rights/topics we covered in class during the semester. You should identify and discuss three examples to support your argument. Please refer to the interpretive materials produced by at least one of the global, UN human rights bodies and at least one of the regional human rights bodies.
2. Is international human rights law adequately enforced? When answering this question be sure to discuss the workings of the global (UN) system for the protection of human rights and at least one of the regional human rights enforcement/monitoring mechanisms discussed in class. Support your argument with three examples.
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