Week 5 Assignment 3: Email Based on Listening Skills Scenario Due Week 5 and wor

Week 5 Assignment 3: Email Based on Listening Skills Scenario
Due Week 5 and worth 150 pointsYour supervisor has asked to you write a brief email on the vacation policy changes to be distributed to staff. You will need to listen to a voice mail from your supervisor with instructions on how to create the email to announce the new vacation policy. The voice mail will include specific details that must be followed in creating the email. This audio voice mail can be found in your course shell.Create an email message in which you:
Listen to your supervisor’s voice mail here.
Create a one to two (1-2) paragraph email with five to seven (5-7) sentences that follows your supervisor’s instructions.
Target the appropriate professional audience.
Use appropriate language for professional audience.
Use correct email formatting.
Follow appropriate netiquette rules for electronic communication. (See Text, Email, & Netiquette section in this week’s chapter reading.)
Meet the 250-to-500-word minimum requirement.
Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
Your assignment must follow these SWS formatting requirements:
This course requires use of Strayer Writing Standards (SWS). The format is different than other Strayer University courses. Please take a moment to review the SWS documentation for details.
Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page is not included in the required length.
The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
Demonstrate understanding of the basic fundamentals of communication.
Develop and practice communication skills, including skills in verbal, nonverbal, listening, writing, interpersonal, perception, and critical thinking as appropriate for the audience.
Use various electronic communication platforms in their academic and professional work.
Relate to the interpersonal and organizational dynamics that affect communication in organizations.
Analyze and assess effective communication.
Use correct sentence mechanics, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and style.
Use technology and information resources to research issues in communications.
Write clearly and concisely about communications using proper writing mechanics.
Click here to view the grading rubric.
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Due Week 5 and wor appeared first on Assignmentio.


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