week 8 – Discussion Spark
There are many social media platforms out there and many more are continuing to develop. If used correctly, they can be beneficial to criminal justice professionals. If you had to choose only one social media platform (Facebook, Twitter, Snapchat, etc.) that a police department should use, which one would you choose?
Post by Day 3 of week 8 the one social media platform a police department should choose. Explain why this platform is the best for police departments to use.
week 9 –
Discussion – Week 9
Discussion: The Role of Corrections Facilities in Preparing Offenders for Reentry
Many critics argue that the criminal justice system is simply a “holding cell” for criminals where they are locked away until their sentences are served, without gaining any useful skills or job readiness for when they eventually reenter society. To address this, many correctional facilities are improving opportunities for inmates to gain these types of skills and make a smoother transition to regular life. What new skills should these facilities provide? Should opportunities be provided to all inmates or just some? Are the programs to develop skills useful?
To Prepare:
Using the National Institute of Justice website, research and identify a program within a correctional facility that provides inmates with job skills and/or training.
Consider whether the program is effective.
By Day 3 of week 9
Post the program you identified. Explain two ways inmates have transitioned back into society positively because of the training and/or skills acquired through the program. Alternatively, explain two ways in which the program fails to transition inmates back into society