“Welfare” has gone through many changes over time. In 2014, the War on Poverty t

“Welfare” has gone through many changes over time.
In 2014, the War on Poverty turned 50. Take a look at this report from the CATO Institute:
as well as the lesson and course reading:
and answer the following questions:
Have the programs worked to reduce poverty?
What is the end goal of welfare—to give people money to help them live day-to-day or to help them become self-sufficient? How ethical is this end goal? Explain.
Where does the US stand in terms of poverty and welfare?
What federal social service programs need revision? Why?
Evaluate the welfare/social service issue using our policy framework.
Be sure to bring in additional scholarly sources to balance your analysis.
Welfare Programs
There are hundreds of government programs to assist Americans living in poverty. Additionally, there are many non-profits that assist. All government programs are means-tested, with eligibility based on the need of the individuals. Welfare in the United States originated in the 1930s when the government created six programs for those who had little or no income. Those programs have grown into hundreds of programs serving many who have incomes above the poverty line as well as those with incomes below that line. The amount of money an individual or family can have as increased over time, which increased the poverty line over time. There was some effort by Congress and the President to reform welfare programs in the 1990s. At that time, people who were able were to get training or get jobs. This improved the poverty rate until states stopped enforcing it and the laws that had helped were in some cases reversed.
Here are just a few of the many welfare programs that are available.
another resource from week’s studies:
Sarah Carrier * (Fall, 2016). NOTE: From Paper to Electronic: Food Stamps, Social Security, and the Changing Functionality of Government Benefits. Georgetown Journal on Poverty Law & Policy, 24, 139. https://advance-lexis-com.ezproxy2.apus.edu/api/document?collection=analytical-materials&id=urn:contentItem:5MDM-37C0-00CV-B11S-00000-00&context=1516831.


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