What are the advantages /disadvantages of government run health care?

Your opinion of delivery of HealthCare in the USA beginning with Affordable Care Act under the Obama Administration through the Trump administration50 points.Part 1: RESEARCHFIRST: Get Familiar with the Assignment This may sound obvious, but it’s especially important to understand what is being asked for before you start drafting your research paper. NOW, Conduct your researchAnd now what you have been waiting for — research! This step is flexible; different people will research papers in different ways. Several key things to remember as you research are: 1) skim- You don’t have to read in-full everything ever written about your topic. In fact, you probably can’t. Get comfortable reading through things quickly. Learn how to identify key points and arguments without getting bogged down and reading every word.2) find reliable resources, (a minimum of 2 different sources is required to do an adequate job)Although this may run contrary to what you’ve been told, you can use Wikipedia to write a research paper. But, you cannot use that as a final source. You can use general sources like Wikipedia to get familiar with a topic, find keywords that can further drive your research, and quickly understand large amounts of information. But, for the information you use in your paper, you have to find reliable resources.Provide the links to your sources, a minimum of 4 is required to adequately write this paper and form your own opinion.Take what you have learned from a Google search or Wikipedia article and dig deeper. Check out the sources on the article, use keywords from your internet search to search an academic database, or ask an expert whether or not what you learned is valid and if it is, where you can find a reliable source stating the same thing. So, just to be clear: you can use Wikipedia as a starting point in your research, but you should not cite Wikipedia as one of the primary sources for your research paper.Key word suggestions: “How is Obama Care working for USA?”, “Affordable Health Care Act”, “Changes to Affordable Health Care Act”, Trump Care, Future of Obamacare, etc.….in a search engine. Use the most recent information. Provide dates of the articles and information you use.Work to understand all of the different viewpoints and schools of thought on your topic. Overall questions to think about and likely address in your paper:1. Should the government be the provider of health care in the United States of America? 2. How should health care be provided and paid for in USA?3. What are the advantages /disadvantages of government run health care?4. What are the advantages/disadvantages of private health care?5. What have our founding fathers opined on Healthcare? The next step will be organizing your research and writing your paper.Health-Care Reform; Individual Health Insurance CoveragesWriting Assignment: Opinion Paper: How is Obama Care working for the USA? In Between 2 extremes, single payer system where government controls ALL health care and the private market.You willauthor a paper about how the “Affordable Care Act” has stood the test of time since its passing.While our current President, Donald Trump, attempted to repeal the Act, he was not successful. It is stillpresent today, with minor changes made such as no penalty for citizens that chose not to buy health insurance. So, today, under the Trump presidency,you were not required to buy health insurance. If you decide not to, there is no fine or tax.Part 2: Writing your PaperRequirements:Your paper will be worth 50 points, I estimate this paper can be accomplished in 2-3 pages, ORGANIZED AS FOLLOWS:An introductory paragraph to tell the reader what you are going to do.The body of the paper where you tell them. (From your research). Include what has happened (Obama Care) and what will likely happen (Trump Care). Basically, explain where we stand today!Your conclusion, based on your researchA final paragraph of your opinion of it all. Sometimes #3 above and #4 here can be combined. So, now you are ready to write:Organize your research from part 1 So you have all of this information, now what to do with it? Step three is all about getting organized. Like research, different people have different preferences here. Think about how you would like to organize your research. It might make sense to bookmark resources on your web browser or make a digital bibliography that allows you to link the resources you found. You might prefer a printed list of your resources or you might want to write down all you have learned that is relevant to your project on notecards or sticky notes and organize your research paper on a table or the floor.Now, Form a Thesis to guide begin and guide the body of your paperNow that you understand what you’ve been asked to do and have researched and organized that research, you’re ready to articulate your own opinion, argument, or assertion. Even if you aren’t arguing for or against anything, your paper needs a thesis. A thesis is a short statement that you — as researcher and author — put forward for the readers of your paper as what you are trying to explain or prove.A starting point when writing a thesis might be to write a one-sentence answer to the question: what is your paper about? The answer might be something like the following examples:• My paper explains the changes President Trump has made to the affordable care act enacted by President Obama.• It’s about whether or not the government or private industry should be in charge of healthcare.• I wrote about views on Obamacare vs private health care options.Another key to crafting a strong thesis statement is making sure that your thesis is arguable. That doesn’t mean it’s controversial or particularly opinionated, but it does mean that someone could disagree.For example, someone might argue that the affordable Care Act is the best solution for healthcare in USA. Another may state that health care should be completely in the private sector. Another may put forth a combination of the two. A well-defined thesis statement is a good way to guide you as you build your essay.

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