What are the challenges companies like BMW face in participating in such interactive projects and events?
In a hybrid world, the role of companies and institutions is changing. Future-orientated companies understand themselves as active parts of society and as driving forces of socio-cultural changes. That is why lifestyle brands such as Adidas, BMW, Audi and many others participate in social and cultural projects. These projects and events are not only communication tools, but also part of the inner development of companies, which are trying to learn from consumers and citizens. One of the most outstanding projects of this type was the BMW Guggenheim Lab, founded in August 2011. This lab was a hybrid form of urban think tank, community centre and public gathering space. Young talents from all over the world, from different disciplines such as architecture, urbanism, art, design, science and technology, discussed issues relevant to better urban living. The lab was mobile, travelling to the cities of New York, Berlin and Mumbai before culminating with an exhibition at the Guggenheim Museum in New York. Its goal was the exploration of new ideas, experimentation and the creation of innovative solutions for the problems associated with city life. The lab consisted of three distinct mobile structures as well as three distinct thematic cycles. Each structure was designed by a different specialist, for example an artist, an architect or a scientist. In each of the chosen cities, the team convened to develop ideas around the cycle’s theme. The BMW Guggenheim Lab communicated issues and projects via its website and social communities. The public was invited to attend and to participate in free programmes and experiments at the lab.
1. What are the challenges companies like BMW face in participating in such interactive projects and events?
2. Do such projects have an impact on brand awareness and on the image of the company?