What corporate strategy does the purchase of Del Taco represent for Jack in the Box?

Paper instructions: Please review the USA Today, CNN and CNBC(video at end) articles provided about Jack in the Box acquiring Del Taco and use that information to answer the following questions:

1) What form or form(s) of strategy (e.g. intended, emergent, etc.) does the acquisition of Del Taco by Jack in the Box represent? What form does the sale of Qdoba represent? Explain.
2) Complete a PESTEL analysis of the fast food industry. What are the most critical factors? Why?
3) Use the five forces model to analyze competition in the fast food industry. What strategies are key companies pursuing? What does your analysis show? Which force is the strongest? Which is the weakest? Discuss in detail.
4) Based on the articles provided, what business level strategy is Jack in the Box pursuing? Provide evidence from the articles to support your answer.
5) What corporate strategy does the purchase of Del Taco represent for Jack in the Box? What corporate strategy does the sale of Qdoba represent. Explain.
6) Using the BCG matrix to analyze the business units of Jack in the Box, how would you classify Qdoba? How would you classify Del Taco? Why?
7) Do you think the acquisition of Del Taco is a good strategy for Jack in the Box? Why or why not?


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