?What grade level would you like to teach? ?W | radioactivetutors.com

?What grade level would you like to teach?

?What subject area are you interested in teaching?

?What is the Standard Course of Study for that area/grade level, list the website URL?

?Part B?: ?Software-Website Evaluation RubricChapter 5 discusses many different types of instructional software that are relevant for use inthe classroom. From your textbook readings or in your search on the Internet, select oneinstructional software to review and evaluate using the evaluation instrument attached above.After you have selected your software/website to evaluate, ?complete the Software-WebsiteEvaluation Rubric? in its entirety including the Overview or Description of the Software/Website.Part C: After the sheet is done write a post answering these questions (use the minimum of 300words if you can)

?Title of the Software (?no duplication of software allowed?) .

?URL address (?must be an active link ?and not password protected?)?.

?Short??overview to acquaint your classmates with the software you reviewed.

?Cost of the software.

?Preferred grade level the software.

?Delivery Method (Drill and practice; tutorial; simulation; game or gamification; problembased; personalized learning.

The post What subject area are you interested in teaching? What is the Standard Course of Study for that area/grade level, list the website URL? appeared first on Essay Hotline.


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