What human disease caused (and symptoms)?

You will write three short summaries, with well-constructed paragraphs, that fully answer the questions below. Be sure to include all citations in CSE system
1. Bacteria=Salmonella typhi
a. Gram morphology?
b. Epidemiology?
c. What human disease caused (and symptoms)?
d. Pathogenesis?
e. Treatment? (If a specific antimicrobial, name it)
f. Any vaccine?
g. Any other specific preventative measures?
2. Viruses/nonliving organisms=Zika virus
a. Naked or enveloped?
b. Family (include type of genome)?
c. What human disease caused? (and symptoms)
d. Pathogenesis
e. Epidemiology
f. Treatment? (If a specific antimicrobial, name it)
g. Any vaccine?
h. Any other specific preventative measures?
i. Describe the molecule
3. Eukaryotes=Schistosoma mansoni
a. What specific type of organism? (fungus, protozoan, helminth)
b. Epidemiology?
c. What human disease caused (and symptoms)?
d. Pathogenesis?
e. Treatment? (If a specific antimicrobial, name it)
f. Any vaccine?
g. Any other specific preventative measures?

General notes: please deal with Pathogenesis and Epidemiology by answering these specific questions: Pathogenesis: by what specific mechanism does it cause disease in the affected individual? If this organism infects a specific organ system, name that. Is is confined to that system, or does it spread to others? Describe specifically what it does to the tissue. Epidemiology How is it transmitted to humans? Be specific


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