What is Nicias definition of courage in the Laches? How do Laches and Socrates try to refute it? Do they succeed? Explain your answer.

Choose and answer 5 questions overall. You must answer at least 2 questions from each section (i.e., answer 2 questions from one and 3 from the other section). Always identify the question you are answering.

Section 1

What is Nicias definition of courage in the Laches? How do Laches and Socrates try to refute it? Do they succeed? Explain your answer.
In his philosophical conversations, Socrates employs a particular method of refutation (elenchus). Explain and illustrate the method on an example from either Euthyphro or Laches.
What is the relation between the Forms and particular things in Plato? Which of them have real being and why?
Relate Platos theory of Forms to Parmenides view about the nature of being. Explain how Plato reacts to Parmenides.
Section 2

How does Socrates argue against Callicles view that the happiest are those who have the greatest wants, and are constantly succeeding in filling them? Explain both Callicles view and Socrates criticism. Does Callicles have an answer to Socrates?
What is the function argument in the Nicomachean Ethics? How does it work? Can you explain it? Why does Aristotle think it will help us in our search for the human good?
Explain the argument for the tripartite soul in the Republic how does Plato argue for the conclusion that the soul has three parts? What do we learn about the soul in the argument? Describe each part of the soul.
Compare Platos and Aristotles conception of the soul. For Plato, you can choose either the conception from the Phaedo or the Republic (or both).

Only use this textbook: Introductory readings in Ancient Greek and Roman philosophy second edition Edited by C.D.C. Reeves and Patrick Lee Miller


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