What is your preferred receptive learning style? Choosefrom the following (you may choose more than one): ??Read/write learning style ??Visual/graphic learning

1. What is your preferred receptive learning style? Choosefrom the following (you may choose more than one):

▸Read/write learning style

▸Visual/graphic learning style

▸Auditory/verbal learning style

▸Tactile/kinesthetic learning style

How will understanding your learning style help yousupport your success inside and outside of the classroom?

• [Insert response here.]

2. Identify a problem-solving technique or method you haveused in a previous situation and explain how it worked foryou. Identify how these methods might look different indiverse cultures or different fields of work.• [Insert response here.]

3. How do you plan to stay organized or prioritize yourSNHU study time?• [Insert response here.]

4. List the five habits of successful SNHU students. Refer tothe “5 Habits of Successful SNHU Students” infographic linked in the Module Two Resources section.

• [Insert response here.]

5. Choose two of the five habits of successful SNHU studentsthat you feel would be most helpful in prioritizing yourstudy time while at SNHU and explain why. Refer to the “5 Habits of Successful SNHU Students” infographic linked in the Module Two Resources section.

• [Insert response here.]

The post What is your preferred receptive learning style? Choosefrom the following (you may choose more than one): ??Read/write learning style ??Visual/graphic learning first appeared on College Essays Cafe.


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