What level of threat does Russia pose to the United States in the next ten years?

For your final course project, your task is to write an original National Intelligence Estimate for the U.S. intelligence community, analyzing Russia. Your National Intelligence Estimate should attempt to answer the following prompt:
– What level of threat does Russia pose to the United States in the next
ten years?
– In answering this question, it is expected that you will use your experience in analytic techniques to identify, explore, analyze, and evaluate potential factors in your selected country that are or
are not threatening to US interests. Specifically, you should make use of AT LEAST FIVE distinct Structured Analytic Techniques (SATs) from the following options:
– Chronologies/timelines
– Mind maps
– Paired Comparison
– Weighted Ranking
– Gantt Chart
– Word Storming
– Circleboarding
– Starbursting
– Key Assumptions Check
– Analysis of Competing Hypotheses
– Cross Impact Matrix
– Quadrant Hypothesis Generation
– Outside-in Thinking
– Simple Scenarios
– Indicators Validation and/or Evaluation
– Deception Detection
– Force Field Analysis
– Pros-Cons-Faults-Fixes
– SWOT Analysis

Note that there is a significant amount of creativity in how you choose to apply your SATs of choicewhat matters the most is that you clearly demonstrate each chosen technique,
appropriately interpret its contributions, and clearly and concisely report your analysis.


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  • Write a discussion paper on the Business English as a Lingua Franca in the United Arab Emirates.
  • What level of threat does Russia pose to the United States in the next ten years?
  • Research and prepare a laboratory report on the following:
  • Explain the relevant concepts and how they will be applied in the scenario. Identify the most significant implications and consequences of your solution.
  • Expose a rationale for your belief one way or another or somewhere in between.
  • Describe the methods and processes through which the federal government utilizes cyber security.
  • Write a Rhetorical essay about the book “Just Mercy”
  • Write an argumentative essay for or against setting long-term goals to land a dream job. I would like the topic to be for me being an animator.
  • What kind of mindset does Mark need to embrace to be successful? Describe the impact of mindset on success.


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