What type of changes can you make to your perception of youth at risk, if any, after viewing Paper Tigers?
Explain how understanding ACEs made a difference in the lives of these students and the approaches the adults used to work with them.
Describe a moment in the film, that was the aha….moment for you. What stood out in this film that could change the way you look at youth and why?
Was there one character in particular that made it easier to relate to either in a personal or professional capacity?
Is there anything from the text specifically that you can apply to Paper Tigers? Theories, practices, case studies, research…explain in detail and cite the reference.
This will be a full four page paper, double-spaced, and not to exceed 6 pages. More isn’t better, quality vs. quantity, check for grammatical and spelling errors. Be concise and clear with your reaction. You can certainly follow some of what I suggested above or not…I want to get a sense of your initial reaction to Paper Tigers and how a year from now, it can still be a powerful learning tool for you.
You can watch it for free with ads here or purchase for a minimal price between 2.99-3.99 on Amazon Prime, Vudu, You Tube, iTunes or IMDb: