White Oleander, the book, as an artifact

As you review your artifact chart and prepare to submit this assignment to your instructor, review the items below. If you answer no to any of the items below, consider revisiting the Project 1 Artifact Chart Guidelines and Rubric document for more detail, or reaching out to your instructor for guidance.

Did you . . . Yes No
Provide an image of your artifact or a link to a picture/recording of your artifact?
Describe the artifact in detail?
Determine and explain the elements of the artifact that you believe are most important to how you experience it?
State your opinion on what you believe to be the purpose of the artifact and explain whether the purpose is successfully communicated?
Discuss how the artifact reflects the culture (or context) in which it exists, including politics, history, religion, social perceptions, technology, media, education, and so on?
Use the artifact to discuss how acts of creative expression impact and are impacted by the people and situations that surround it?
Pose questions you have after thinking deeply about your chosen artifact regarding the relationship between human culture and expression?
Pose questions you have after thinking deeply about your chosen artifact regarding personal assumptions about artifacts of this sort and why they exist?
Pose questions you have after thinking deeply about your chosen artifact regarding the reciprocal relationship between how values shape and are shaped by forms of human expression?
Pose questions you have after thinking deeply about your chosen artifact regarding the relationship between the possible intent of the creator and its interpretation?
Speculate on how to go about answering the questions you posed? What sorts of things would you study about these kinds of artifacts and their contexts that might begin addressing these questions?


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