Who is your artist, and the title of the work you are trying to emulate?

For this essay, students may choose to produce their interpretation of an original work studied in class or a work by an artist covered in class, or choose a totally original work in the style of an artist we have seen in the 19th century. So I chose Monet’s painting. And I already did the painting. So what you need to do is help me write 2 pages summary about this Claude Monet painting(Bridge over a Pond of Water Lilies 1899 ),( Double-spaced, Times New Roman) to accompany your work. In this paper, you will discuss the following:
Who is your artist, and the title of the work you are trying to emulate?
Why did you choose this particular work?
Why did you take the approach, choose the specific medium that you did? (I used mainly oil paints, not Acrylic, like the old master in 19 century they never used Acrylic paints. I just want to focus more on the old methods. I use heavy oil paints covered on the top over and over again, this method is called impasto, also I used specific brushes to paint the detail…… )
What is the artist’s message behind the work, if any, and what is yours? What do you hope the viewer will come away with?(please do a lot of research about it, This is the link you may find really helpful) https://www.metmuseum.org/art/collection/search/437127


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