Why Study History?

Read the article below, Why Study History. I think this is a great way to start the semester.
After reading the article, submit at least 2-3 paragraphs answering my prompts below. You might want to read
directions for Reflections on the Syllabus as a guide for this assignment.
Explain what you see as the most important reasons why the author believes we should study history. Use quotes
from the reading to support your analysis. Reflect on the article.
Next, reflect on all that transpired in 2020-2021 (pandemic, political upheaval, social reform attempts, etc.) and
explain what you think will affect our lives in the future and why.
What did we learn about ourselves and what will we be writing in the history textbooks for future generations to
study about 2020?
Why do you believe we should study history? How should we teach the history of 20-21?
If you lived on a deserted island in 2020, and know nothing about what happened this past year, you can read a
little about it here (Links to an external site.) at history.com . Sadly, you will be bombarded with advertising on
the history.com page 🙁 If you do not want to see the advertising, here is the article in pdf downloadformat.
Attached is the required article that needs to be reflected on and sourced.


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