Review the case “Netflix in 2011”. By relying ONLY on information provided in the case and theoretical frameworks covered in the class, provide a written analysis of changes in Netflix’ business model for the DVD-by-mail business by addressing the following questions:
The business model for Netflix’s DVD-by-mail business has evolved over time. For each of the four main components of the business model , identify one change that Netflix made and discuss:
The nature of the change
Why the change was made and whether it made the business model better
How it was executed. Did Netflix use one of the four capabilities for successful adaptation that we discussed in theory?
Note the following: You are expected to discuss 4 distinct changes . The changes should happen within the DVD-by-mail business .
Technical details:
Your submission should be maximum 2 pages long. You can make optional figures and tables – they don’t count toward the page limit . Page limit is strict. No need to include bibliography as you are only using the case.
Min 12 font size; double spacing; 1 inch margins.