Wk 2-2 jd | Psychology homework help

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Post-traumatic stress disorder, PTSD, is something a person experiences such as fear and anxiety, for a long time after the traumatic event. This typically comes after someone experiences tragic event while in the military, a car or vehicle accident, sexual assault, illnesses or disasters. Some of the symptoms taking place are worry, anger, depression, flashbacks to the traumatic event, detaching from others and intrusive thoughts. (Comer & Comer, 2021). These symptoms last for at least month if not years after the event. Treatment for those experiencing PTSD are the use of antidepressants, cognitive-behavioral therapy and group therapy. All of which help the individual to work through the experience and to build upon ways to counteract their thoughts.

Disassociate identity disorder, DID, is where an individual has two or more distinct personalities. Typically this disorder can be seen through the transition stage or switching, which can be sudden or dramatic. (Comer & Comer, 2021). Those who are experiencing DID, have had traumatic events in their life such as sexual assault or a disaster, which cause them to create other personalities to help cope with it. These personalities typically do not know the others memories, thoughts, feelings or behaviors. The most common way to treat someone with DID, is to help them recognize their disorder, recover memories, and integrate the subpersonalities. (Comer & Comer, 2021). Like PTSD, DID is also treated through drug therapy, group therapy and cognitive-behavioral therapy.

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