Wk 4 project For this individual project, you are to create a fictitious medium-sized company. The company has 150 employees and uses a mixed operating system environment (MacOSX and Windows, or Linux and Windows). Deliverables: Define the organization and its purpose Explain  which segments or functional groups within the organization use Windows and which use Linux or MacOSX Discuss you

Wk 4 project

For this individual project, you are to create a fictitious medium-sized company. The company has 150 employees and uses a mixed operating system environment (MacOSX and Windows, or Linux and Windows).


Define the organization and its purpose

Explain  which segments or functional groups within the organization use Windows and which use Linux or MacOSX

Discuss your plans for maintaining the security of those platforms including any tools that you will employ and why, including (at a minimum):


testing of patches prior to deployment

and change management

Your paper should be a minimum of 6-8 pages in length, in APA format with proper citations.

Submit your project as “lastname-project-doc(x)”

APA Reference Guide – PDF Document (63.3KB)

APA Example – Word Document (29 KB)


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