Work Placement Portfolio Document

Australian Ideal College Pty Ltd

Work Placement Portfolio Document for CHC52015 Diploma of Community Services

Student ID:

Student Name:

Work placement information

Work placement provides you with an opportunity to learn and be assessed in a hands-on real-life industry environment. Learning in the classroom is important, and you will engage in lots of classroom discussion, practice and be involved in demonstrations and simulation assessment before you are ready for your work placement – but gaining practical experience during your work placement hours provides you with the opportunity to put your new-found knowledge into practice and provides you with an appropriate environment to be assessed. It also provides you with opportunities to observe qualified and experienced community services workers and allows you to learn while under the close supervision and guidance of a workplace supervisor and mentor.

During your work placement you will be satisfying the assessment requirement for the following units:

CHCDEV002 – Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services

HLTWHS004 – Manage work health and safety

CHCCCS019 – Recognise and respond to crisis situations

CHCPRP003 – Reflect on and improve own professional practice

Gaining Competency


Your work placement is part of the assessment to assess your skill and knowledge you have gained during your work placement including successfully performing required operational tasks and completing end of shift duties in a range of situations.


Your assessor will observe you performing your tasks satisfactorily at your workplace including your uniform and grooming, you following WHS procedures, your time management, your problem-solving skill and working under pressure. Your assessor will also collect feedback from your workplace supervisor as part of the evidence gathering process. Your assessor will record the work place visit and any findings in your logbook.

You need to submit the completed workplace logbook within 7 working days after completing the minimum 100 hours to your assessor.

Your assessor will:

Use your performance at your workplace

Use the marking guide mapped with the unit’s performance elements and performance criteria

Ask you to provide additional details if needed

Answer and guide you through the assessment process

Record your performance

You will receive a “Competent” or “Not Yet Competent” outcome depending on the satisfactory completion of assessment tasks.





Analyse impacts of sociological factors on clients in community work and services.


: There are five parts to this portfolio document.


There are five parts to this portfolio document:

Section 1 – Preparation

Section 2 – Gathering and analysing information

Section 3 – Monitoring

Section 4 – Supervisor report

Section 5 – Personal reflection.


Student will be completing this portfolio during work placement. Student will be working with three different clients to complete this portfolio. Simulation scenarios should be used if student do not get a chance to work directly with the client.


Section 1: Preparation.

In this section, you will describe the steps that you undertook in preparation to work with each person.


Person 1:


Detailed Information

Name of work placement.

Name of supervisor.

Observation outcome for Person.

Summary of this person




Income and Occupation.

Ethnicity and race.


Geographic Region.



Substance Use.

Overall, Health.


Person 2:


Detailed Information

Name of work placement.

Name of supervisor.

Observation outcome for Person.

Summary of this person




Income and Occupation.

Ethnicity and race.


Geographic Region.



Substance Use.

Overall, Health.


Person 3:


Detailed Information

Name of work placement.

Name of supervisor.

Observation outcome for Person.

Summary of this person




Income and Occupation.

Ethnicity and race.


Geographic Region.



Substance Use.

Overall, Health.



Section 2: Gathering and Analysing Information.

In this section, you will describe the strategies which you used and the activities which you undertook to examine, identify and analyse the socio-cultural information and impacts for each person who you worked with. Describe each activity and detail what you did and the strategies that you used. You will also be asked to attach evidence and examples have been provided.

Person 1.


Detailed Information

How did you gather information relating to the social and cultural issues impacting this person, their family, and their community?

Describe social and cultural factors impacting on this person.

Clarify the current health and wellbeing and associated support needs for this person with consideration to the social and cultural factors impacting them.

Identify the associated needs of the client.

Briefly describe the appropriate community care services you advised, provided or referred the client to based on socio-cultural information you gathered.

Whom did you liaise with to make informed decisions in relation to specific work to be undertaken and/or services to be provided to the client?

Person 2.


Detailed Information

How did you gather information relating to the social and cultural issues impacting this person, their family, and their community?

Describe social and cultural factors impacting on this person.

Clarify the current health and wellbeing and associated support needs for this person with consideration to the social and cultural factors impacting them.

Identify the associated needs of the client.

Briefly describe the appropriate community care services you advised, provided or referred the client to based on socio-cultural information you gathered.

Whom did you liaise with to make informed decisions in relation to specific work to be undertaken and/or services to be provided to the client?

Person 3.


Detailed Information

How did you gather information relating to the social and cultural issues impacting this person, their family, and their community?

Describe social and cultural factors impacting on this person.

Clarify the current health and wellbeing and associated support needs for this person with consideration to the social and cultural factors impacting them.

Identify the associated needs of the client.

Briefly describe the appropriate community care services you advised, provided or referred the client to based on socio-cultural information you gathered.

Whom did you liaise with to make informed decisions in relation to specific work to be undertaken and/or services to be provided to the client?

Section 3: Monitoring.

In this section, you will describe the strategies which you used and the activities which you undertook to monitor the services provided to the people you worked with. You will also describe the processes that you used to review the effectiveness of your work and the changes that you made to better address socio-cultural issues. Describe each activity and detail what you did and the strategies that you used.

Person 1.

Detailed Information.

How did you monitor the impact of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person?

Describe the outcomes of the monitoring process.

How did you review the effectiveness of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person in relation to their identified social and cultural factors and impacts?

Did you revise aspects of the work undertaken and/or services provided to this person to better address their social and cultural issues and to enhance their outcomes.

What adjustment / modification did you make to better meet the needs of the clients?

Person 2.

Detailed Information.

How did you monitor the impact of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person?

Describe the outcomes of the monitoring process.

How did you review the effectiveness of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person in relation to their identified social and cultural factors and impacts?

Did you revise aspects of the work undertaken and/or services provided to this person to better address their social and cultural issues and to enhance their outcomes.

What adjustment / modification did you make to better meet the needs of the clients?


Person 3.

Detailed Information.

How did you monitor the impact of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person?

Describe the outcomes of the monitoring process.

How did you review the effectiveness of the work undertaken and/or the services provided to this person in relation to their identified social and cultural factors and impacts?

Did you revise aspects of the work undertaken and/or services provided to this person to better address their social and cultural issues and to enhance their outcomes.

What adjustment / modification did you make to better meet the needs of the clients?



Section 4: Supervisor Report.

Your supervisor will complete this section of the portfolio.

Supervisor Report.

During the work placement, the student.

worked within the organisation’s policies and procedures

☐ Yes

☐ No

worked to a satisfactory level in line with their assigned roles and responsibilities

☐ Yes

☐ No

used effective oral communication and positive, respectful and inclusive language

☐ Yes

☐ No

used a supportive and person-centred approach

☐ Yes

☐ No

demonstrated ethical and legal consideration, e.g. duty of care, human rights, privacy, confidentiality and disclosure

☐ Yes

☐ No

advised, referred or provided at least three people with access to services based on socio-cultural information gathered

☐ Yes

☐ No

monitored and reviewed the effectiveness of the services provided (within their scope of practice)

☐ Yes

☐ No

where necessary, revised the work and/or services provided to enhance outcomes and better address social and cultural issues

☐ Yes

☐ No

reported to me when they were unsure of something or if something was beyond their abilities or role

☐ Yes

☐ No

completed, maintained and stored documentation and reports according to the organisation’s policy and protocols.

☐ Yes

☐ No



Signature of the supervisor.

Section 5: Personal Reflection.

In this section, you will reflect on your work placement.


Personal Reflection.

Detailed Information.

Describe two things that you feel that you did particularly well when providing support to people based on their socio-cultural needs.

Describe two things that you think you could do better next time. How will you apply this learning to your practice in future?

Add any other reflections you might have about your experiences in regard to this unit.

Explain two major learnings from this unit.




Manage work health and safety.

There are five parts to this portfolio document:

Section 1 – Establishing work health and safety practices

Section 2 – Consultative activities

Section 3 – Monitoring work health and safety

Section 4 – Supervisor report

Section 5 – Personal reflection.


Section 1: Establishing work health and safety practices

For this section you will need to develop your own set of hazard identification and risk assessment procedures. These must be relevant to your own work area and the duties you complete while you are on placement.

Complete the portfolio section below to provide evidence of the steps you took to complete this process.

At the end of this section there is a list of documents you will need to provide to support your portfolio entries.

Establishing Work Health and Safety Practices

Detailed Information.

Explain how you used your workplace’s existing work health and safety policies and procedures to support your work.

Looking at your procedures and supporting documents, write down the areas that show how you aligned the procedures to your state or territory’s work health and safety legislation, regulations and codes of practice/conduct and other relevant industry guidelines.

What type of feedback did you receive from your supervisor and anyone else who reviewed your procedures?

You must attach the following evidence to your portfolio. You may like to add additional supporting evidence to support your work.

The email to your supervisor (and anyone else) seeking feedback and approval on your procedures (with your procedures attached)

The email from your supervisor (and anyone else) that provides feedback or approval

Final copies of your own procedures and any supporting documents such as checklists, forms etc

Copies of your workplace’s actual policies and procedures, including those related to hazard identification and risk assessment.



Section 2: Consultative activities

For this section you will need to document your consultative activities. These include the hazard inspection, your meeting with your supervisor and other colleague/s to discuss your findings, completing the risk assessment and action plan, and developing a record keeping procedure.

Complete the portfolio section below to provide evidence of the steps you took to complete this process.

At the end of this section there is a list of documents you will need to provide to support your portfolio entries.

Consultative Activities.

Detailed Information.

Evaluate the usefulness of your hazard checklist. Did you need to add any further points on the checklist? Do you believe that your checklist was appropriate to your work area and job duties?

Explain how you went about consulting with your participants. How did you encourage them to put forth their ideas and suggestions, including any that were not identified on your hazard checklist?

What concerns or issues were raised by the attendees? How did you work together to decide whether these were important and/or relevant work health and safety concerns? How did you come to agreement on what issues were a priority?

Explain how your consultation with these people helped you to complete your risk assessment and action plan?

You must attach the following evidence to your portfolio. You may like to add additional supporting evidence to support your work.

the hazard identification checklist you filled out for your work area/job duties

Meeting Minutes.

Section 3: Monitoring work health and safety

In this section, you will describe the activities you undertook to monitor work health and safety in your work placement organisation.

Complete the portfolio section below to provide evidence of the steps you took to complete this process.


Monitoring Work Health and Safety.

Detailed Information.

List the types of documents you familiarised yourself with and analysed during the monitoring period. Explain why each was helpful.

During the monitoring period, how well do you believe staff adhered to safety procedures and risk controls? How well were the risks you identified controlled? How regularly did staff identify and report hazards? How often did consultation occur in the workplace?

Identify at least one area for improvement in the workplace that you believe needs to be added to your action plan to maintain health and safety. This might be in relation to staff attitudes towards work health and safety consultation and record keeping, the types of hazards that were/have been identified, etc.

Identify at least one barrier that could stop the workplace from maintaining good work health and safety processes and demonstrating compliant practices.

Section 4: Supervisor report

Your supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed.

Supervisor Report.

During the work placement, the student.

Completed a hazard inspection that accurately reflected their work area and job duties?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Lead an effective consultation meeting that included at least two people?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Encouraged those at the meeting to put forth ideas, opinions, suggestions etc?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Sought feedback from those at the meeting regarding the outcomes of their inspection?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Completed a risk assessment and action plan that accurately reflected the inspection findings and consultation?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Shared their action plan, record keeping policy and procedure and meeting minutes to consultation attendees?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Monitored compliance with risk control activities and general work health and safety compliance?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Potential barriers to improvement identified were relevant to their work area/job duties?

☐ Yes

☐ No



Signature of the supervisor.


Section 5: Personal reflection

In this section, you will reflect on your work placement.


Personal Reflection.

Detailed Information.

Describe two things that you feel that you did particularly well when establishing and monitoring work health and safety practices.

Describe two things that you think you could do better next time. How will you apply this learning to your practice in future?

Add any other reflections you might have about your experiences in regard to this unit.

Explain two major learnings from this unit.




Recognise and respond to crisis situations.

There are three parts to this portfolio document:

Crisis intervention activities

Utilise self-care activities

Supervisor report


Section 1: Crisis intervention activities

If you are completing your assessment based on real life work place activities, you will document the crisis intervention activities you have been involved in in this section. As the unit requires that you are involved in crisis intervention activities on at least three occasions, you must document your experience with three clients. Crisis management can be through face-to-face, telephone or remote contact.

If you are completing this assessment based on the Simulation Pack, you are to complete this section based on the Simulation Pack and the meeting with your assessor where they role play each client.

Please note that you may be able to identify much of the information below through following your workplace’s procedures for regarding crisis management. For example, crisis support services administer a mental health assessment initially and which covers a multitude of areas.

Person 1:


Detailed Information

Summary of client details, including type of crisis situations.

Signs that you identified that indicated that safety issues were present for this client, including both direct and indirect signs.

What questions did you ask the client to identify the safety issues that were presenting for them. Write the questions down or provide the mental health assessment form as per your workplace procedures. While the client was providing the information, what did you do to show that you were listening empathetically to the details of their crisis situation?

As part of the imminent crisis situation, discuss how you affirmed and strengthened links to safety and living for the client.

Describe the structure and strategies that you used to help the client to deal with the crisis. Make sure you address how you enabled the client to come up with their own thoughts and behaviours to deal with the situation.

How capable was the client of making decisions? Discuss how you balanced collaborating with the client to come up with their own solutions, as well as providing clear direction for them.

Describe the actions that were agreed upon to reduce immediate danger and risk to both the client and others. If emergency assistance was required, please describe this and how it was organised. If this scenario did not occur, write your response on the emergency assistance you would consider would have been appropriate.

Give a brief description of your workplace procedures for managing crisis situations. Also describe how you ensured that the actions identified and agreed upon as documented above are in accordance with your workplace procedures, are legal, ethical, consistent with workplace procedures and meet duty of care requirements.

Did you need to seek advice or assistance from your supervisor in managing the crisis? If so, describe the advice or assistance you sought. If this scenario did not occur, write down your thoughts on what advice or assistance it might be useful for your supervisor to provide if it was needed.

Describe referral options that are appropriate for this client.

Explain how you worked with your client to identify suitable options

Describe the strategies you used to overcome possible barriers to seeking or accepting help.

Describe the plan that you came up with your client to access support services identified.

List the documentation that you completed as part of the crisis intervention activities. How did you maintain this documentation?

Attach evidence of your work with this person here.

Evidence may include:

Workplace policies and procedures for dealing with crisis situations.

Mental health assessment.

Person 2:


Detailed Information

Summary of client details, including type of crisis situations.

Signs that you identified that indicated that safety issues were present for this client, including both direct and indirect signs.

What questions did you ask the client to identify the safety issues that were presenting for them. Write the questions down or provide the mental health assessment form as per your workplace procedures. While the client was providing the information, what did you do to show that you were listening empathetically to the details of their crisis situation?

As part of the imminent crisis situation, discuss how you affirmed and strengthened links to safety and living for the client.

Describe the structure and strategies that you used to help the client to deal with the crisis. Make sure you address how you enabled the client to come up with their own thoughts and behaviours to deal with the situation.

How capable was the client of making decisions? Discuss how you balanced collaborating with the client to come up with their own solutions, as well as providing clear direction for them.

Describe the actions that were agreed upon to reduce immediate danger and risk to both the client and others. If emergency assistance was required, please describe this and how it was organised. If this scenario did not occur, write your response on the emergency assistance you would consider would have been appropriate.

Give a brief description of your workplace procedures for managing crisis situations. Also describe how you ensured that the actions identified and agreed upon as documented above are in accordance with your workplace procedures, are legal, ethical, consistent with workplace procedures and meet duty of care requirements.

Did you need to seek advice or assistance from your supervisor in managing the crisis? If so, describe the advice or assistance you sought. If this scenario did not occur, write down your thoughts on what advice or assistance it might be useful for your supervisor to provide if it was needed.

Describe referral options that are appropriate for this client.

Explain how you worked with your client to identify suitable options

Describe the strategies you used to overcome possible barriers to seeking or accepting help.

Describe the plan that you came up with your client to access support services identified.

List the documentation that you completed as part of the crisis intervention activities. How did you maintain this documentation?

Attach evidence of your work with this person here.

Evidence may include:

Workplace policies and procedures for dealing with crisis situations.

Mental health assessment.

Person 3:


Detailed Information

Summary of client details, including type of crisis situations.

Signs that you identified that indicated that safety issues were present for this client, including both direct and indirect signs.

What questions did you ask the client to identify the safety issues that were presenting for them. Write the questions down or provide the mental health assessment form as per your workplace procedures. While the client was providing the information, what did you do to show that you were listening empathetically to the details of their crisis situation?

As part of the imminent crisis situation, discuss how you affirmed and strengthened links to safety and living for the client.

Describe the structure and strategies that you used to help the client to deal with the crisis. Make sure you address how you enabled the client to come up with their own thoughts and behaviours to deal with the situation.

How capable was the client of making decisions? Discuss how you balanced collaborating with the client to come up with their own solutions, as well as providing clear direction for them.

Describe the actions that were agreed upon to reduce immediate danger and risk to both the client and others. If emergency assistance was required, please describe this and how it was organised. If this scenario did not occur, write your response on the emergency assistance you would consider would have been appropriate.

Give a brief description of your workplace procedures for managing crisis situations. Also describe how you ensured that the actions identified and agreed upon as documented above are in accordance with your workplace procedures, are legal, ethical, consistent with workplace procedures and meet duty of care requirements.

Did you need to seek advice or assistance from your supervisor in managing the crisis? If so, describe the advice or assistance you sought. If this scenario did not occur, write down your thoughts on what advice or assistance it might be useful for your supervisor to provide if it was needed.

Describe referral options that are appropriate for this client.

Explain how you worked with your client to identify suitable options

Describe the strategies you used to overcome possible barriers to seeking or accepting help.

Describe the plan that you came up with your client to access support services identified.

List the documentation that you completed as part of the crisis intervention activities. How did you maintain this documentation?

Attach evidence of your work with this person here.

Evidence may include:

Workplace policies and procedures for dealing with crisis situations.

Mental health assessment.

Section 2: Utilise self-care strategies

In this section, you will describe how you have applied self-care strategies throughout your work on crisis situations.

Utilise self-care strategies.

Detailed Information.

Describe the risks to yourself in your work in crisis support. Describe at least three risks.

Describe the supervision/debriefing you have received in relation to your work in crisis support. Explain how this supported in your work and any changes you might make.

Detail the strategies (at least three) that you have applied outside of work to show self-care.


Section 4: Supervisor report

Your supervisor needs to complete this section once all of the tasks have been completed.

Supervisor Report.

During the work placement, the student.

Recognised and responded to direct and indirect signs of a crisis situation?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Used empathetic listening skills to obtain details of a client’s crisis situation?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Identified and agreed upon actions to take, including reducing immediate risk and danger to the client and others?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Check with supervisor to make sure that all actions are in accordance with the workplace’s procedures, are legal and ethical and meet duty of care requirements?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Seek advice/assistance form supervisor to assist in managing crisis situations as required?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Collaborate with the client to identify suitable referral options?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Complete and maintain required documentation?

☐ Yes

☐ No

Participated in supervision and debriefing as part of a self-care strategy?

☐ Yes

☐ No



Signature of the supervisor.



Reflect on and Improve Own Professional Practice.

There are three parts to this portfolio document:

Personal Development Plan.

Personal Development Report.

Reflection Report.

Workplace Supervisor Feedback Form.




Personal Development Plan


Date of Plan

Based on my self-evaluation and feedback, the improvements I want to make are (please list these as goals):
Timeframe for achieving goals
How I will measure that I have achieved these goals?

Goal 1:

Goal 2:

Goal 3:

Support networks that I can use to achieve these goals (identify at least two internal networks i.e. within your RTO or your work placement provider and two external sources of support)

Internal Support 1:
Include a description of the support that can be accessed

Internal Support 2:
Include a description of the support that can be accessed

External Support 1:
Include a description of the support that can be accessed

External Support 2:
Include a description of the support that can be accessed

Professional development opportunities you want to access over the coming 12 months (list at least four and including specialist advice and/or training that you can access). Note that you will need to complete at least one of these as part of your assessment task. Choose one that will be appropriate for you to complete such as a free webinar that is coming up in the near future.

Professional development opportunity 1
Include a description of the opportunity, date and costs as relevant.

Professional development opportunity 2
Include a description of the opportunity, date and costs as relevant.

Professional development opportunity 3
Include a description of the opportunity, date and costs as relevant.

Professional development opportunity 4
Include a description of the opportunity, date and costs as relevant.

Personal Development Report

Title of personal development activity




Who provided the personal development activity?

Personal development opportunity questions

What was the purpose of the personal development activity?

What did you learn?

How will you apply your learnings?

What did you like most about the personal development activity?

What did you like least about the personal development activity?

Reflection Report


Date report completed

Self-evaluation section

Reflection questions – for each question, provide at least three examples

My key values are:

How my key values impact my work:

My key beliefs are:

How my key beliefs impact my work:

Examples of the way I behave at work which reflect my values and beliefs:

How this behaviour enhances my work:

My key strengths are:

How my key strengths impact my work:

My key challenges are:

How my key challenges impact my work:


Why is self-care so important?

List three strategies that you use for self-care.

List three additional strategies that you could use for self-care.

Identify and describe additional support you might require to assist you with self-care.

Current and emerging industry developments

What is a current industry trend for the community service industry that impacts on work? Explain your answer and give the source of information you used for your answer.

How does this information improve your practice at work?

What is an emerging industry trend for the community service industry that impacts on work? Explain your answer and give the source from which you found your answer.

How does this information improve your practice at work?

Legal and ethical requirements

List and describe three legal requirements that you must adhere to at work.

Describe how you adhere to these at work.

List and describe three ethical requirements that you must adhere to at work.

Describe how you adhere to these at work.


Notes on feedback provided. Make notes on the feedback you receive from your assessor and fellow students.

Workplace Supervisor Feedback Form

Thank you for taking the time to provide me with feedback which will help me to improve my practice. Please complete the form below.

Student’s name

What are the key skills needed for this role?

What aspects of my job do you think I do well?

What skills could I improve?

Your name:



Thank you for your time.

Students, please complete this once you have received the feedback. How will you use the feedback provided to inform your practice?


Student Declaration:

I have completed all activities/tasks as required in this work placement portfolio booklet and this is my own work.

The information in this logbook is to the best of my knowledge a true and accurate record


Student Name:

Student Signature:


Evidence submitted:

Completed Work placement assessment tasks.

Evidence required by assessment tasks.

Relevant organisational policies and procedures.

Photos of equipment used during the work placement.

Any other evidence Specify: ___________________


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