Workforce Planning | My Assignment Tutor

Executive Master of Human Resource Management &SHRM Advance Certificate in Human Resource ManagementModule 1: Workforce Planning Overview andAssignmentSubject Code: 21T2MHRMWPCentre for Executive Education IUKL & SHRMModule 1: Workforce PlanningFacilitator DetailsOnline Facilitator/sName: Assoc Prof Dr. Roy PrasadEmail: roy.prasad@eduk8u.comPhone: +60129880370Note: Please use private email or individual what’sapp to contact your facilitator/coordinator only when you have a question or issue of a personal nature specific to you.All other questions or comments can be posted on the appropriate thread on the GoogleClassroom discussion board and or the “MHRM21T2” what’sapp group so that allstudents may benefit from the dialogue.Your facilitator /coordinator will respond to personal emails within 48 hours during theweek or by Tuesday of the following week if an email was sent on Friday.When emailing your instructor, course coordinator or accounting, please put yourstudent code at the start of the subject line of e-mails you send.Google ClassroomGoogle Classroom is the Learning Management System (LMS) used in this course internallyby Eduk8u Grad School Asia & Centre for Executive Education IUKL. All written assignmentsare to be submitted through here with the respective cover sheet.Additional reading materials and videos will be made present on the LMS along with classnotes and guide.Student Learning OutcomesOn successful completion of this course, students will be able to demonstrate theirknowledge within the SHRM competency model.Summary of Module 1 ContentThe topics in this course include but are not limited to the following:1. Introduction2. Understanding the Need for Workforce Planning3. Determining Stakeholder Engagement4. Supply and Demand Analysis5. Gap and Solution Analysis6. Implementation and Evaluation7. Conclusion8. Manpower Planning Optimisation and RestructureModule 1: Workforce PlanningPlease note the following points carefully:• This course is taught in a blended mode of in class and students self-time online learning. Oneof the great strengths of this mode is the diversity of the classroom. This is a huge educationaladvantage because it means we have a rich variety of backgrounds, perspectives andexperiences to share and consider. In this context, you are encouraged to express your views,to challenge each other and to be challenged in the online discussion forums. This needs tohappen in a context of mutual respect, where differences as well as similarities areappreciated.• It is your responsibility to regularly log in to Google Classroom and stay abreast of updates,posts and additional materials. . Google Classroom is a source of essential information.However, it is a critical tool for communication in four ways:• Facilitator may provide any extra information via the announcements section inGoogle Classroom• Discussion Boards are allocated for questions and answers relating to theassignments. All students are encouraged to ask and respond to questions aboutassignments but you will not be assessed on these elements of the discussionthreads.• There may be a Discussion thread open for questions relating to the module for eachtopic. You will be assessed on your contribution to these discussions. See the Detailsof Assessment Items’ section of this document. These discussions are the equivalentof tutorials and are compulsory. They are very important because regularly engagingwith other students in a meaningful way will make the course easier and moreinteresting.• Please keep focused on Academic integrity and plagiarism and maintain professionaletiquette with your fellow cohort at all times.Each Topic you should study the allocated Module guide. Information about the Module willbe available in the class materials section of Google Classroom, and will include learningoverviews, comments, set readings, and self- directed study exercises as seen fit by thefacilitator.You should make sure that you are familiar with a Module as you contribute to the discussion.Additionally, please ensure that you follow any discussion threads before making yourcontribution. The aim is to avoid repetitive and general contributions and to encouragefocused discussion. Discussion on each topic will remain open until the completion of thesubject course.You need to keep on track with times and dates. Try to keep up with the class and the courseschedule. While online learning is essentially independent, it is helpful to share ideas and theclass will be moving on to the next module each week. The time goes very quickly.Module 1: Workforce PlanningASSIGNMENT ASSESSMENT DETAILS AND POLICIES AssessmentRelatedLearningOutcomesWeighting(%)Due DateMethod ofSubmissionIndividualWritten WorkAligned to SHRMCompetencyModel90.00%4.00PMThursday10 June2021.Google ClassroomClassparticipation& GoogleClassdiscussionsthreadsAligned toSHRMCompetencyModel10.00%4.00PMThursday10 June2021.Google Meet, Inclass, GoogleClassroom &What’sApp AssessmentAssessment criteria are provided in the Details of Assessment section of thiscourse outline.The written work will be assessed by the facilitator of this course and the qualityacademic member of the university. Marks will be allocated according to overallgroup outcomes evident from the group presentation, as noted in the Details ofAssessment section of this course outline.FeedbackA summative feedback will be provided to each student in the form of a writtenevaluation feedback sheet, formative feedback may also be provided during interactionswith each discussion group. It is expected that the formative feedback will aim to helpthe student aligned to the subject and overall qualification.Regarding formatting of the paper: for those of you who are in your first subject,Masters programs expect graduate level work. Font size guidelines is a range of 10-12. I expect a professional, graduate level paper and will grade them as such. Youare welcome to use whatever citation method you like, however you must properlycite your paper. Plagiarism will not be tolerated and is verified using a checkingsoftware. Therefore, the formatting decisions are left up to the group, as long asthey follow an established format (e.g., APA, MLA, etc.)Cover Sheets for AssessmentAssignment cover sheet is provided and accessible on Google ClassroomModule 1: Workforce PlanningPresentation of Written WorkAll work must be typewritten and double-spaced. It is each student’s responsibility to keepa copy of all work submitted. Students may be required to provide written assessmentitems in electronic form as well as hard copy. The Faculty specific Assignment Cover Sheetcover page for the assignment must include:• your name;• your facilitator’s name;• the course; and• the topic clearly marked on it and• a statement that your work is your own. For electronic submissions it isacceptable to type your name or use an electronic signature.• All files submitted must include your student ID in the file name – thusinsert student ID code at the start of the file name.• Referencing style selection is at your choice, however all references willbe verified using our plagiarism platform.Assessment PenaltiesLate submissionFaculty policy is that an assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approvedextension, will be penalized at a rate of 20% per day of the possible maximum mark for theassessment item for each day or part day that the item is late. Weekends count as one day indetermining the penalty. Assessment items submitted more than five days after the due datewill be awarded zero marks.Exceeding the word limitLecturers reserve the right not to assess any assignment in excess of 15% of the stated wordlimitAssessment Grades / PercentagesAll assessment grades and percentages is provided above. Any student who is unclear onthese, please seek reconfirmation from the Facilitator.Extension of Time for Assessment Items, Deferred Assessment andApplication for Adverse CircumstancesStudents are required to submit assessment items by the due date, as advised above, unlessthe Course Coordinator approves an extension of time for submission of the item. Universitypolicy is that an assessment item submitted after the due date, without an approved extension,will be penalised. If you believe adverse circumstances have had an impact on yourperformance in an assessment item then you may be entitled to apply for specialconsideration directly to your Facilitator.Module 1: Workforce PlanningAny student:1. Who is applying for an extension of time for submission of an assessment item onthe basis of medical, compassionate, hardship/trauma or unavoidable commitment; or2. Whose attendance at or performance in an assessment item or formal writtenexamination has been or will be affected by medical, compassionate, hardship/trauma orunavoidable commitment;is required to report the circumstances, with supporting documentation, to the facilitator.Please be aware of the following important deadlines:• Students must submit their adverse circumstances application via an email by 4:00pmthe day prior to the due date of the assessment item.• In all cases the required evidence must then be submitted to the Facilitator within 3calendar days after the submission of the application for extension.Your application may not be accepted if it is received after the deadline. In the first instance,students who are unable to meet the above deadlines due to extenuating circumstancesshould speak to their Facilitator.Academic Integrity and PlagiarismEduk8u Grad School Asia, Centre for Executive Education IUKL and SHRM are committed toensuring academic integrity amongst its staff and students. Academic integrity is based onvalues of honesty, respect, fairness, trust and responsibility. These values are fundamental toour teaching and learning in the Faculty. Academic misconduct, including plagiarism, copyinganother student’s work and cheating in exams, is contrary to the values of academic integrityand is not tolerated in the university.University policy prohibits students plagiarising any material under any circumstances. Astudent plagiarises if he or she presents the thoughts or works of another as one’s own.Without limiting the generality of this definition, it may include:• Copying or paraphrasing material from any source without due acknowledgment;• Using another’s ideas without due acknowledgment;• Working with others without permission and presenting the resulting work as though itwas completed independently.Plagiarism is not only related to written works, but also to material such as data,images, music, formulae, web sites and computer programs. Aiding another studentto plagiarise is also a violation considered as Plagiarism and may invoke a penalty.For further information on the policy on plagiarism, please seek clarification from yourFacilitatorQuestions to ask about any site on the WWW:• Is the author named?• If so, does the site tell you about the author’s credentials and experience?• Can you confirm the information from books, journals or other websites?• Be aware that the website may be as biased as any source. Who owns/runs the websiteand what are they promoting?• Has the website been updated recently? Is it out of date?Module 1: Workforce PlanningIn general, research at masters level is NOT purely based on Wikipedia or opinion internetwebsites. Research essays must be based on data that is the work of acknowledged authors,and on data with verifiable origins. The advantage of academic books and journals is that thematerial has been reviewed in manuscript form by experts in the field before publication, andhas been tested by review in academic journals after publication. Sometimes, however,information of a high quality is posted on websites before publication or instead of publicationthrough regular channels. If in doubt, consult your facilitator before using a website.Referencing the WWWInformation from the WWW should be cited just like any other source. Cite website author, title(if actually published as well, publication details should be cited), and the full URL of thewebsite, and the date you visited the web page.For example:Landrewy, F. (1996) ‘Paralympic Games and Social Integration’ in de Moragas, M. and Botella,M., (Eds), The Keys to Success, Barcelona,, 14/1/97.Executive Master of Human Resources ManagementAssignment 1 – Workforce PlanningINDIVIDUAL ASSIGNMENT – total assignment words 3,000.Brief 1:You are the HR Business Partner of MyToes Inc and have experienced consistent businessgrowth for the last 10 years. Your turnover is USD12m, with a GP of USD4.5m. The businesshas regularly delivered USD450,000 in net profits after tax and only 30% of this was issued fordividends and the balance maintained as cash reserves (for past 4 years) and reinvestmentinto the business. MyToes Inc is in the upstream oil exploration sector and has held longterm contracts with the world’s two largest Oil & Gas corporations.The current staffing level is at 130 headcount in various departments such as Planning,Compliance, Human Resources, General Affairs, Finance, IT, Customer Support, Crewing,Logistics, Operations and Procurement.Your largest customer for 10 years has just issued you a notice of contract expiry andtermination. 55% of your workforce caters and focuses on this clients requirements andoperations. The industry is also experiencing a significant decline in overall upstreambusiness activity along with a high surplus supply level of manpower/workforce in the market.The average tenure of work at MyToes Inc is 7.4years and the average employment cost levelacross all staff is 7,500 per month plus on costs. Each staff member gets a hazard allowanceof 500 a month and accrues 14 days annual leave per annum with unlimited rollover of thisannual leave. The staff consume an average of 40% of their annual leave annually.You are required to write a paper detailing the current manpower structure you have (createan org chart supporting your business operations). Detail out a manpower optimisation planand restructure plan given this recent contract termination.Detail out a way forward for the business with at least 3 options to propose to the board. Detailout the future org chart to support this way forward plan.Where you are using planning frameworks; ensure you cover all elements of the Workforceplanning model.Please provide diagrammatic display supported with explanations. Provide validation for allyour strategies, research, considerations and restructure ideas put forward; do remember 5Why’s to support your answer and plan.Brief 2:Using the Attached Spreadsheet of staff listing details; you are required to prepare a workingpaper to help a company with its downsizing exercise reducing at least 30% of the workforcefrom the organisation in light of the economic, financial standing and also automation processundertaken by the Company. Calculate high-level severance numbers and dollar values.Please describe your preferred method of approach to propose to the Management and wouldyou use FWFO, LIFO principle in your proposed separation program and retirees with potentialMSS. Provide validation of which and why.Use the attached file of staff listing. Provide management with your total exposurecalculations (provide validation for the severance formula used and why), along with what thebusiness employment costs will be moving forward after the right-sizing exercise.In your paper for Brief 2; detail out the processes from review, approval, initial companyannouncement all the way to the post-departure event. Also highlight the necessarydocumentation that you will utilise and have this in the Appendix.Show the timeline of the entire manpower restructure process from ideation, announcement,offer, review/assessment, execution; through to exit and way forward; show resourcing,timeslots and venues.Please contact your facilitator for any clarifications relating to this given Assignment.Remember – DUE DATE; 4.00PM Thursday 10th June 2021


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