Write a critical analysis and evaluation demonstrating your understanding of leadership and management. Ensure you cover a minimum of 3 leadership and 3 management theories, as well as 3 different styles, and include all the above criteria

NVQ level 5 diploma in leadership and management for adult care

It’s now time to complete your assessment. At Level 5, you must demonstrate that you can follow academic writing standards, including checking your writing for spelling and grammar, referencing using Harvard referencing (or similar) guidelines and utilising critical analysis skills. If you are unsure about these, speak to your Advanced Qualifications Coach (AQC). Together you can choose the assessment method that suits you best, and you can discuss your options with them before you start

You will need to make sure you cover the following criteria:

Part 1 – Leadership & Management

1479 1.2 Analyse key theories of leadership and management1479 1.4 Analyse different leadership and management styles 1479 1.5 Evaluate how coaching and mentoring can be used to complement leadership styles1479 2.1 Evaluate the impact of internal and external drivers on leadership and management1479 2.2 Analyse the role of leadership and management skills in adult care services

Methods to choose from:

 Method 1: Task – see Instructions belowMethod 2: Written Questions

Suggested Task – Write a critical analysis and evaluation demonstrating your understanding of leadership and management. Ensure you cover a minimum of 3 leadership and 3 management theories, as well as 3 different styles, and include all the above criteria by following the command verbs in bold, and attach your work to this activity using the upload button.

Use the text box below to record which method you intend to use, alternatively use it to complete written questions/notes. If you and your AQC have selected a method different from the ones suggested, please explain your reason


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