write a study guide including the Definition, etiology, Occurrence/epidemiology, Clinical presentation, Diagnostic examination, Differential diagnosis, Non-pha

 write a study guide including the Definition, etiology, Occurrence/epidemiology, Clinical presentation, Diagnostic examination, Differential diagnosis, Non-pharmacological and pharmacological management and follow -up 

The study guide is to be clear and concise and will provide a quick reference for a specific chronic disease.
Include your resources and guidelines used for the elaboration of the study guide.
will lose points for improper grammar, punctuation, misspelling, and references should be current (published within the last five years).



Crawford, E. (2015). NP-Family Specialty Review and Study Guide: A Series from StatPearls. Retrieved from https://books.google.com/books?id=86ybCgAAQBAJ&dq=intussusception+np+questions&source=gbs_navlinks_s

Epocraties. (2017). Intussusception Differential Diagnosis – Epocrates Online. Retrieved from https://online.epocrates.com/diseases/67935/Intussusception/Differential-Diagnosis

Shah, V., & Amini, B. (2017). Intussusception | Radiology Reference Article | Radiopaedia.org. Retrieved from https://radiopaedia.org/articles/intussusception

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