Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life.

1. Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life. What caused the disagreement? How did you respond? How did you resolve the situation?
2. Throughout this class I have introduced a variety of arguments, authors, and articles for you to read. Select 3 articles/arguments written by other authors that you encountered throughout this class. Why were they memorable for you? Examine the authors arguments and literary devices they used to present their arguments. You can examine an article/argument where you might disagree with the author. In order to be eligible for full credit your response must go beyond mere summary. In other words, dont write about what happened, but write about why that particular text resonated with you. NOTE: the 5th and 6th items in Unit 3 will help you with this question.
3. For this question your task is to analyze responses to Covid-19. You can focus on responses from your school, city, state, or country. Choose one of these groups. Do you agree with ________s response to Covid-19? When writing your response you can consider mask mandates, decisions to close or open schools, transitioning to virtual classes, vaccinations, and so forth.
You will earn your grade on this assignment based upon your ability to write a thoughtful, error-free argumentative response, not your stance.

If you have a book called perspectives on contemporary issues: reading across the disciplines 8^th edition edited by Katherine Anne Ackley. Please use this for number 2 question. Thank you!


  • Does Temin’s article change your views on the Great Depression, the dominance of the U.S. post-WWII, and the 1970s?
  • Discuss the applicability of this statement with reference to your own professional context.
  • Discuss how firms select their competitive strategy and overseas expansion strategy.
  • Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life.
  • Explain how the principles and elements of design impact your solution?
  • Write an essay of at least five pages or approximately treating the writers life and contribution to literature.
  • Explain how democratic leadership can guide interdisciplinary cooperation seeking to drive a PDSA model in reducing a facility’s medication error problems.
  • Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).
  • Write essay based on attached outline that you did.
  • Does the source appear to be biased or objective?


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