Write an essay exploring a contemporary (current) practice topic that impacts on the mental health and wellbeing of service users (consumers/clients/patients). Using a recovery-focused approach you will consider strategies that could be used to work collaboratively with the person, their families and carers while respecting cultural and social sensitivities.
+/- 15 references mainly from academic peer-reviewed journals
references no less than 5 years
+/- 1750 words (+10%)
Topic: Out of home care and the impact on mental health (adolescence age group).
Provide an introduction to the chosen topic including how/why your topic is relevant from a global perspective and narrowing it down to locally (Australia). Also summarise in the inductory paragraphs why it is important for nurses and/or midwives to have an understanding of the chosen topic.
Why is your chosen topic important from the perspective of service users, their families and carers? (heading towards the main body of the essay).
What strategies are available to support the person, their families and carers?
How can a recovery orientated approach be used to help the nurse and/or midwife work collaboratively with the person, their families and careers while respecting cultural and social needs?
Conclude essay by identifying what you have learnt and how you will practice differently in the future as a result of your learning from completing this essay.