Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).

Apply critical reading and research strategies and draw on literary theories, including comparative theory and the tenets of Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism, to deepen understanding of representative “futurist” texts
Apply literary argument to evaluate, analyze, and distinguish points of comparison and contrast between texts and in context with the tenets and aesthetics of Afrofuturism and/or Africanfuturism and the social, historical, moral, cultural, psychological, and/or aesthetic perspectives from which they arise
Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).

Afrofuturism is a term coined by cultural critic Mark Dery (Links to an external site.) to describe a literary, cultural, and artistic movement originating in the United States which uses science fiction and technology to imagine, in the words of activist and curator Ingrid LaFleur, (Links to an external site.) “possible futures through a Black cultural lens.” Nnedi Okorafor coined the term Africanfuturism to more specifically describe her work and those of other artists to distinguish their intentional effort to center their art on African culture, histories, and futures.

For this paper you will explore Afrofuturist & Africanfuturist thought and aesthetics in a comparative analysis paper. A comparative analysis paper is also called a compare-contrast paper, and you will select two works by different artists to focus your paper on. You are required to choose works, written or visual, that we have read or viewed within this unit (whether as a supplementary example or as integrated assignment) or any other work from Africanfuturism: An Anthology.

Essay Prompt
Write a comparative analysis paper that evaluates and analyzes points of comparison and contrast (shared themes and distinct ideas) from two of the texts (written or visual) we have explored in this unit and in context with the tenets of Afrofuturism and/or Africanfuturism.

Research Requirement
You are required to integrate analysis of your chosen works with at least three research sources: the theoretical articles we have read for this unit, relative books you have read for other classes, or relative media or online sources that help to advance and deepen the focus and content of your paper.

Your paper must include:
-an opening that gets the reader interested, provides necessary information (such as definitions of Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism as well as brief summaries of the stories you focus on), and a thesis statement that reflects the focus and scope of your paper and includes your driving point. (Note: the introduction can be one or two paragraphs)
-several well-organized and developed body paragraphs that provide clear topic sentences, credible support, and thoughtful analysis
integrated quotes and/or paraphrases from your primary texts of comparison and contrast
-integrated quotes and/or paraphrases from research sources (3 minimum)
-a conclusion that sums up your analysis and offers the reader —-something interesting to reflect on.
-a works cited page in MLA

This unit focuses on Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism, and this essay asks you to select two Africanfuturist works and write a comparative analysis paper. Given that Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism offer a robust framework that encompasses several fields of literary theory and can lend itself to a variety of fields of study, from cultural studies to gender studies and psychology, history, and sociology, among others, anchoring your focus not only within a comparative context but with an intentional interdisciplinary focus can lead us to an in-depth and insightful analysis. The theoretical foundations of Afrofuturism and Africanfuturism help us focus our interdisciplinary discussion and, when applied with intention, can reveal underlining and real-world perspectives and experiences that speak to larger events and social phenomenon that we would not otherwise know or take note of.

Example 1
Stories of Focus: Binti by Nnedi Okorafor and Black Panther directed by Ryan Coogler
Essay Title: Technology as African Cultural Heritage and a Tool for Decolonization
Thesis: In bothBlack Panther and Binti,the reader finds empowerment in honoring African traditions and harnessing African technology.

Example 2
Stories of Focus: “Fort Kwame” by Derek Lubangakene and Behind Our Irises by Tlotlo Tsamasse
Essay Title: Perseverance, Failure, and Understanding our Humanity
Both “Fort Kwame” and Behind Our Irises showcase possible consequences and challenges for the human race as technology progresses, raising questions about cultural exploitation, climate change, and the gap between wealth and poor. The undertones of these scenarios provide insight into humanity and the present day world.


  • Does Temin’s article change your views on the Great Depression, the dominance of the U.S. post-WWII, and the 1970s?
  • Discuss the applicability of this statement with reference to your own professional context.
  • Discuss how firms select their competitive strategy and overseas expansion strategy.
  • Write about a recent argument or disagreement from your life.
  • Explain how the principles and elements of design impact your solution?
  • Write an essay of at least five pages or approximately treating the writers life and contribution to literature.
  • Explain how democratic leadership can guide interdisciplinary cooperation seeking to drive a PDSA model in reducing a facility’s medication error problems.
  • Write with an awareness of audience and the diversity in subject matter (cultural perspective and gender perspective, national or geographic background, time period, structure and theme).
  • Write essay based on attached outline that you did.
  • Does the source appear to be biased or objective?


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