Written communication in your field | ENG 121 English Composition I | Ashford University



Prior to beginning work on this assignment, reflect on your Week 2 assignment and look ahead to the Week 5 final paper guidelines to consider how this assignment will work toward the stated requirements. It is hoped that the assignments in this course help trace the development of your thinking, as well as the development of your writing skills; as a result, some work you have already done might help you develop this paper, and the work you do on this paper may be useful when working on future assignments. Please note that you should always reflect on and revise previous work based on your instructor’s feedback before you consider incorporating it into future assignments.

Additionally, read Chapter 2 of your course textbook and consider the work you did on this week’s discussion board Writing Skills in the Professions as a possible source for some of the material you will cover in this paper. For assistance with accessing your Week 2 assignment feedback in Waypoint, see the Accessing Feedback in Waypoint (Links to an external site.) video.

 ENG121 Narrative Arc

  • Wk 3: Writing Skills in Your Field Paper


Your paper is required to have an introduction paragraph that includes a thesis sentence and a conclusion paragraph that helps set the stage for growth. Additionally, your body paragraphs will be expected to address the following ideas:

  • Describe your writing skills as of now, referring to any specific experiences, as well as your overall confidence level. Be sure to list particular strengths as well as any challenges you face.
  • Assess the importance of written communication to your field.
    • Refer to research you conducted into your academic and professional field to better understand how written communication is used.
  • Provide an example of at least two specific applications for written communication typical to your field. You might consider styles, such as informative or persuasive, as well as forms, such as reports or memos.
    • Among many other things, examples might include gaining support for projects, convincing others to take action, providing exact documentation or records, or making recommendations related to budgets, human resourcing, or strategic decisions.
  • Discuss your plan for meeting the challenge of developing your writing skills to be better prepared for applications in your field.

The Written Communication in Your Field paper,

Carefully review the Grading Rubric (Links to an external site.) for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

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