You are a researcher working for the Government. You have been asked by your manager to deliver a 30-minute professional development seminar to the new intake of research interns on the topic of: ‘How to conduct an effective research participant interview’ The research interns are currently studying the first year of their degree and have no

Assignment Task
Portfolio Assessment
This assessment comprises of THREE tasks. You must complete ALL tasks.
All three tasks MUST be submitted in the same Word or Pdf document
Each PowerPoint in your presentation prepared for Task 1 MUST be individually copied and pasted into the Word or Pdf document.
(3000 words)
Task 1
You are a researcher working for the Government. You have been asked by your manager to deliver a 30-minute professional development seminar to the new intake of research interns on the topic of:
‘How to conduct an effective research participant interview’
The research interns are currently studying the first year of their degree and have not completed interviews for research purposes before.
Prepare and submit 12 PowerPoint slides which would underpin your presentation. The 12 slides exclude your title page and your bibliography list which must also be included.
Ensure that when preparing your PowerPoint slides you give consideration to:
•The relationship between the subject matter and your target audience
•The amount of information and the time constraints
•The structure of your presentation
•Correct referencing practice in relation to all sources
(33 marks) (LOs: 1,2, 3 & 4)


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