You are assigned to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Maritime Protection Interagency Taskforce (MPIT) for Baltimore, Maryland. A cargo ship fro

   Please answer each question in complete paragraph. Do not repeat the questions. All answers should be followed by a reference     


C Mitchell


Hypothetical: You are assigned to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Maritime Protection Interagency Taskforce (MPIT) for Baltimore, Maryland.  A cargo ship from Madagascar has been seized by U.S. authorities in Baltimore.  During a random port entry inspection, a shipping container was discovered with twenty persons being smuggled into the U.S. illegally. The story has attracted international press attention. Federal officials have vowed to crack down on the use of cargo shipping for the trafficking of persons into the United States.  One initiative being considered is the launching of a program to inspect every container on cargo ships entering U.S. ports.  Your DHS MPIT supervisor has tasked you with drafting an outline of pros and cons for the new initiative. 

1. Write an outline containing three reasons in favor of the proposed initiative and three reasons against the proposed initiative.  Present a brief rationale for each reason listed.  

Q2 (neva)

Which style- Italian Baroque or Dutch Baroque- do you like best? Explain why you prefer your choice instead of the other style.  You should use examples from the text to support your discussion and explain your choice. Use at least two fully identified examples from Chapter 25 to support your discussion.  You may choose a work of sculpture, painting, or architecture, but you must make sure you explain your choice. Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images),  Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!

Q3 (tina)

Describe and evaluate the subjects used in Etruscan tomb paintings and sarcophagi.  How do Etruscan practices relate to what we have discovered about tombs in other ancient cultures?  Support your discussion with fully identified visual evidence (images),  Make sure that the images are inserted in your response. Images should be visible in the post and not need to be downloaded!


Find and read a quantitative peer-reviewed journal article that relates to your topic in which the researchers use existing data (a dataset versus collecting their own data). What information about the dataset do the researchers include? How do they describe their research methods? Which variables do they analyze and why? What are their hypotheses? What statistical analyses so they use?

Explain why discussing the data and methods is important to establish the validity and reliability of the research. Discuss any critiques you have of the Methods/Data section of the article. Are they missing any information that would be useful to the understanding of the research? (Include an APA citation of the article.)


When I was in Elementary School I wish I had known _________ and I wish my parents had known ___________.

When I was in Middle School I wish I had known ________ and I wish my parents had known __________. Support your ideas with either theory or research.

Based on what you’ve learned, at what age do you think parents should start talking to their kids about sex. Please explain why you feel that way.


For this week’s discussion, you are going back to taking on the role of kitchen/restaurant manager and providing another training session for your employees. You may choose any topic that was covered in week 4 or 5 – storage, preparation, or service. The difference this time is that you do not need to find a scenario online – you will be “teaching” just one aspect. However, feel free to include a link to a source that supports your chosen training method as being an effective way to train employees.

Every post should be on a different topic, so the title of your post should identify your topic (i.e. thawing safely, calibrating a thermometer, checking internal temperatures, cooling food safely, avoiding cross contamination, storage order, etc.

Please challenge yourself a bit and fully develop your mini training session. Do not post “Always hold glasses by the stem, not the rim” and call it service training. 

Begin by describing how you will train your employees on this particular topic. Will you be giving them an infographic, a training manual, or a demonstration? Give your reasoning for the training method chosen.

Follow that with the actual training – again, you may record yourself giving a demonstration, or post an infographic that you created as an attachment or write out the section in the training manual.


Name and describe the three points of the EVMS standard cost triangle.  Discuss the strengths and weaknesses of using the EVMS metrics.

Q8 Evans

Honda uses flexible plants in the manufacturing of its cars. Discuss whether this method of production results in optimum output. For further information, read The Wall Street Journal, September 23, 2008, p. B1. How to Access the Wall Street Journal through the Online Library:

1. Go to the Online Library/Article Database page. 2. Select “Journal Title Search”. 3. Type in “Wall Street Journal”. 4. From the list of results, select “Wall Street Journal. Eastern edition” from ABI/INFORM Complete. 5. Use the search box entitled “Search for articles within this publication” to find articles by topic within the Wall Street Journal.

The article can be accessed directly at Honda’s Flexible Plants Provide Edge.



1. How can officer stress impact their police department and the community.

2. Evaluate the best approaches to managing stress in a law enforcement agency.


 Develop a persuasive argument as to why mandatory minimum sentencing should be repealed.  

 Conclude your response by explaining whether you believe mandatory minimum sentencing adversely impacts African Americans and other racial minorities.


You attend a meeting to discuss data management standards. Dr. Smith makes a statement that “SNOMED-CT is not a contributor to data quality standards and would not support the use of a data dictionary.”

· What explanation would you provide to convince the meeting group that Dr. Smith is right, or wrong?


1) Choose a current  Nationally Notifiable Disease in the U.S. Describe this disease, identify the causative agent, and why it is a notifiable disease.  Describe the transmission of this disease. Discuss how cases of this disease are confirmed.

The post You are assigned to the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Maritime Protection Interagency Taskforce (MPIT) for Baltimore, Maryland. A cargo ship fro first appeared on College Essays Cafe.


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