You are expected to keep abreast of current academic theory and the events and issues that involve or affect people in organisations. This may be via published and academic journals, newspapers, trade magazines etc. Websites:

Assessment Brief 2

Title : “Women’s work” and the gender pay gap in the UK. Do you think the equal pay legislative regime sufficiently protects women?

Programme title:

Foundation (Level 0) BSc Business Management BSc Accounting & Finance

Module title:

Contemporary Issue s in Law

Module code:


Assessment Topic:

“Women’s work” and the gender pay gap in the UK. Do you think the equal pay legislative regime sufficiently protects women?

Module leader:


Internal verifier:


Submission deadline:

30th September 2024, 2 pm

Assessment type:

Individual Essay, 3200 words



Module Aims:

The aim of the module is to provide students with a basic understanding of contemporary issues in law. Students will be introduced to a number of contemporary issues through the perspective of different areas of legal study. Students will be able to look into a range of contemporary issues that require the application of legal rules and structures to develop their awareness of the implications and limitations of different areas of law in regard to specific issues.


Learning Outcomes


Demonstrate an understanding and knowledge of a contemporary issue in law.


Be able to construct a simple piece of written work on a contemporary issue in law.


Develop the ability of making effective use of library and electronic resources to research the relevant specific legal information. 

Assignment 2:


“Women’s work” and the gender pay gap in the UK. Do you think the equal pay legislative regime sufficiently protects women?

Delivery method:

Essay/Legal problem (Individual work)

Word count:

3,200 words


80% Marks

Submission method:

CCCU Turnitin

Basic guidelines:

The gender pay gap is a global economic issue affecting women. Despite the progress that has been made on gender equality, for example in increasing women and girl’s access to education, and higher rates of participation of women in the labour market, the pay gap still persists because it is the result of deeply rooted inequalities in societies and the economy. Systemic gender inequality is the ultimate root cause of the gender pay gap. Do you agree?

Assessment criteria:

Please note that diagrams, quotes, appendices, and tables do not constitute part of the word allocation.

Referencing system:

Harvard referencing to be used. (Guide attached) 2If the same system is used at programme level, refer to the Student Handbook where this would have been noted

Learning Materials/Resources:

The following books may help in introducing you to legal skills/how lawyers think:

Ashworth, A. and Horder, J. (2016), Principles of Criminal Law. 8th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.Barnard, C., O`Sullivan, J. and Virgo, G. (2011), What about Law: Studying Law at University 2nd revised edition – some leading cases are discussed in a highly accessible manner in this book, and it introduces the study of each of the foundation subjects, as well as to the study of law as an academic discipline. You might find chapter 1 and the chapters on Crime, Tort, and Constitutional Law especially useful.Clinch, P. (2001), Using a Law Library: A Student’s Guide to Legal Research Skills, 2nd ed.

– Sooner or later you’re going to have to do legal research (i.e., find your way around a

law library quickly and competently in order to look up material). This is a useful guide.

Honoré, T. (1996), About Law: An Introduction, Oxford: Oxford University Press.Horsey, K. and Rackely, E. (2017), Tort Law, 5th ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.Hutchinson, A. (2010), Is Eating People Wrong? Great Legal Cases and How They Shaped the World, Cambridge University Press – all the chapters are useful, but see particularly chapters 1, 2, 6, 8 and 10.Llewellyn, K. (1960), The Bramble Bush: On Our Law and Its Study, Oxford: Oxford University Press.McBride, N. (2014), Letters to a Law Student: A Guide to Studying Law at University, 3rd ed., Pearson.McLeod, I. (2013), Legal Method, 9th ed., Palgrave Macmillan.Moeckli, D. et al. (eds) (2017), International Human Rights Law, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.Morgan, J. (2015), Great debates in contract law, 2nd ed., Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan.Murray, A. (2016), Information Technology Law: Law and Society, 3rd ed., Oxford: Oxford University Press.Williams, G. (2010), Learning the Law, 14th ed., ATH Smith – this is a popular introductory book. It will not give you any specific, substantive legal knowledge, but it will provide you with useful information ranging from how to read cases to what the abbreviations mean. 

Online Resources

How to Read a Legal Opinion: a Guide for New Law Students, Orin S. Kerr, George Washington University – Law School, posted to SSRN: Also published in The GREEN BAG, An Entertaining Journal of Law, Vol 11, No. 1, p. 51, Autumn 2007.Wish I Would Have Known: Advice from Law Students on How They Would Do Things over

Journals, magazines & academic articles related and relevant to the subject: 

You are expected to keep abreast of current academic theory and the events and issues that involve or affect people in organisations. This may be via published and academic journals, newspapers, trade magazines etc.


You are expected to keep abreast of news, both specific to people in organisations and general news as well as other information published in websites.

Please note that the format and order of this reading list is for illustrative purposes only. Additional sources can also be found in Library services. Students are requested to submit a single alphabetical order bibliography list containing all sources used for each piece of work submitted.

For guidelines on the required Harvard referencing style please refer to: 

Grading for Assessment 2:

Clarity of objectives and focus of work (25%)Knowledge and application (25%)Clarity of expression- Organize your ideas, use effective paragraph, and sentence lengths, maintain a formal and professional tone, use familiar words and check your spelling (10%)Analysis (15%)Referencing (15%)


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