You have been appointed the director of strategic planning for the Fortune Global 500 company you selected in Module One. (Toyota) The vice president of strategy and operations (VP) has confided in you that strategic planning has been a challenge for the company over the past year; specifically, crafting new strategies and aligning them to the company’s mission and goals. You have now been tasked with creating a new strategic planning proposal to help the company explore at least one new growth opportunity to increase its revenue or market share in the industry. Your proposal should present a detailed analysis of the company’s internal and external environments as well as specific actions the company can take over the next five years to achieve the targeted growth. Your proposal will be presented to various stakeholders at different levels

You have been appointed the director of strategic planning for the Fortune Global 500 company you selected in Module One. (Toyota)
The vice president of strategy and operations (VP) has confided in you that strategic planning has been a challenge for the company over the past year; specifically, crafting new strategies and aligning them to the company’s mission and goals. You have now been tasked with creating a new strategic planning proposal to help the company explore at least one new growth opportunity to increase its revenue or market share in the industry.
Your proposal should present a detailed analysis of the company’s internal and external environments as well as specific actions the company can take over the next five years to achieve the targeted growth. Your proposal will be presented to various stakeholders at different levels in the organization, so you will need to adapt parts of your proposal to suit different needs. Additionally, you will need to send a shorter executive summary of your proposal to the leadership team.
Strategic Planning Proposal
Complete an analysis of your company and organize this information into a presentation. Compile all slides from your milestone assignments to create a final presentation for your stakeholders. Use resources such as the company website, which will have pertinent information including its sustainability report, and other relevant sources to help complete this presentation. Be sure to address any feedback you have received on your milestone assignments.
Part 1: Presentation
Your final presentation should include the following elements:
Perform an internal environment analysis of your company to understand the company’s current business environment and future goals. Present the results of your analysis.
Overview (slide 1): Provide a brief overview of the company’s products, services, and customer base.
Existing entities (slides 2–3): Identify at least two existing partnerships, mergers, or acquisitions. Explain how these entities contribute to the company’s revenue or market share.
Five-year goals (slide 4): Speculate on what the company wants to achieve in the next five years by considering their mission statement, values and goals, and relevant sections of their sustainability report.
Perform an external environment analysis of your company to identify the company’s competitive environment and find an opportunity the company can utilize to grow its revenue or market share in the industry. Present the results of your analysis.
Competitors (slide 5): Identify at least two of your company’s top competitors and explain how they compete with your company.
Competitive advantages (slides 6–11): Evaluate your company’s competitive advantages.
Summarize the unique skill sets, products, location, and values of your company.
Use Porter’s five forces to analyze your company’s competitiveness and growth potential in its industry. Assign a rating to your company for each of Porter’s five forces as very high (VH), high (H), low (L), or very low (VL). Justify your ratings.
Area of opportunity (slides 12–13): Identify one area of opportunity that will help your company increase its revenue or market share over the next five years. Explain how this opportunity can lead to an increase in revenue or market share.
Conduct a buy-build-ally analysis for your company and recommend actions your company can take to realize your identified opportunity within five years.
Implementation strategy (slides 14–17): Recommend an implementation strategy for your company.
Determine whether the company will need to buy, build, or ally with another company. Consider the skills, facilities, products, and services the company will need, to capitalize on the identified opportunity.
Use the speaker notes of your presentation to explain the strategy behind your buy, build, and ally recommendations.
Timeline (slides 18–19): Construct a timeline of what your company should achieve by the end of each year for the next five years.
(Note: Use both on-screen text and speaker notes to convey your information effectively. For example, you can use brief bulleted lists summarizing the highlights of your analysis on the slide and include more detailed explanations where needed in your speaker notes.)
Part 2: Executive Summary
Create an executive summary of your strategic planning proposal. Remember to consider the audience and purpose of this report when drafting your summary.
Purpose: Briefly explain the purpose of the proposal.
Current business environment : Describe the internal and external business environments of the company.
Outline the various analyses you conducted and briefly summarize their importance.
Describe the opportunity for growth you identified and how it will impact the company’s revenue or market share.
Recommendations : Recommend actions, such as buy, build, and ally, that the company should take to utilize the identified opportunity and explain the reasons for your recommendations.
What to Submit
To complete this project, you must submit the following:
Stakeholder Presentation
Submit a PowerPoint presentation with 18–20 slides. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Executive Summary
Submit a 2-page Word document with 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.


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