You will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current system and determine gaps in that system that will inform your future recommendations and revisions. D. Determine areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, based on the external benchmarking data. What are the key areas of the current system that ar

Prepare a draft of Parts D–F of your total rewards analysis


Begin by analyzing qualitative and quantitative data for the current system  that will inform your future recommendations and revisions.

Once your analysis has been completed, compare and contrast the provided quantitative data regarding the current benefits and compensation system with external benchmarking data from Medtronic, an organization within the same industry.

Then draft Parts D–F of your analysis. Thoroughly cover each of the critical elements, and include your answers to the guiding questions.

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:

I. Total Rewards Analysis: For this part of the assessment, analyze given aspects of a total rewards package from the provided case study.

You will analyze qualitative and quantitative data regarding the current system and determine gaps in that system that will inform your future recommendations and revisions.

D. Determine areas of misalignment, differences, and gaps present in the current benefits and compensation system, based on the external benchmarking data. What are the key areas of the current system that are misaligned with the competition?

E. Based on the strengths and weaknesses of each plan, determine Emerging Pharmaceuticals rewards components that should be increased, reduced, or stay the same, and provide your rationale.

F. Compare qualitative input data and quantitative analysis with the organization’s employee demographic data to determine the degree of the existing population that will be affected by the proposed changes. In other words, what is the overall impact of each proposed change?


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