You will be analyzing your own culture (African American ) using specific elements of cultural analysis. If you are a mix of cultures, you can choose the one t


You will be analyzing your own culture (African American ) using specific elements of cultural analysis. If you are a mix of

cultures, you can choose the one that you most identify with, or you can use the one that you

would like to learn more about.

                       ▪ Analyze your own culture using the following criteria

                            – Items you will be graded on for part #1

                                       -Your own culture web

                                       – 15-20 Interview questions for your grandparents (only use parents if you are

                                          unable to be in contact with your grandparents – approval must be granted by

                                           the instructor)

                             – Including the following areas of analysis

Investigating cross-cultural differences and similarities,
looking at the impact of culture on everyday life, and
examining how different cultures interact with one another. It  helps us to identify how different cultures approach similar problems  and to understand the various ways in which they are interconnected.

Create a presentation:

o Items used for research

Include a family history – this can be done in the form of a family tree (go

              back at 3 generations)

Interview results with grandparents or another approved person.
Minimum of three sources – one of these must be your textbook.

Assignments due for part #1:

PowerPoint Presentation (Add video for extra points!) Include source page.
Interview Questions of your Grandparents

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