Examine how web research and analysis methods can improve website rankings, social
media engagement and overall online presence and awareness for web communication
You will be given a case study to analyse during the course of the semester including
available web analytics and other data. You are required to collect further online secondary
data and provide a report on your findings, and provide recommendations on how the data
could be used as the basis of a web communication campaign.
Further details regarding this assignment will be provided in seminars and on MyUnits.
The assignment will be marked using the following criteria:
The report should include: %
Search Engine Optimisation
• Present an original, complete, coherent and persuasive report, which
includes all required elements.
• Demonstrate a high level of understanding of search engine
optimisation for web campaign planning. 40
Incorporation and analysis of background research
• Demonstrate evidence of relevant and adequate background
research and analysis.
• Integrate research findings fluently into the discussion. 40
Referencing, writing and presentation
• Include consistent and complete details of references/sources
• Write fluently and accurately and edit carefully.
• Present document professionally.