You will design a database. List the entities, write the business rules for each

You will design a database. List the entities, write the business rules for each relationship between entities and create an ERD. 
Section 1: Database Definition 
State the purpose of the database. 
Define the requirements of the database. Describe who are the users and how the database will be used,
Section 2: Database Design 
This section of the Assignment must include at least 5 tables and should have no more than 10 tables. 
List the entities of your database. 
Present the business rules that determine connectivity, using the format requested for the Unit 2 Assignment. Do not give rules for links to associative entities; simply give the M: N relationship rules and the name of the associative entity you will use for that relationship. Example: Apartment – Tenant. One apartment may currently be occupied by one or more tenants. (many)One tenant may occupy many apartments (but only one at a time).  (many)Apartment M: N Tenant; AE: ApartmentTenant 
Draw the ERD; copy the drawing into your Word project document.
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