You will need to turn a layperson’s paragraph into a medical professional paragraph. Learning is increased when students practice going in both directions; for


You will need to turn a layperson’s paragraph into a medical professional paragraph. Learning is increased when students practice going in both directions; formal to informal, and informal to formal. 


Casual: I fell off my motorcycle and broke my arm. It hurt something terrible and the bones were sticking right through my arm. The medic said it was cutting off my blood flow and my fingers were numb and purply. I was really worried the doctors would have to cut them right off. But when I got to the hospital, I saw a special bone doctor and he fixed me right up.

Formal: The patient sustained an open compound fracture of the radius. He was complaining of severe 10/10 pain. Circulation distal to the injury was decreased. Fingers were pale with paresthesia. The patient asked if his fingers would have to be amputated. The patient was referred to an orthopedic specialist.

Produce a casual and formal paragraph describing the terminology for a pathology.

Include the following aspects in the discussion:

The response should be long enough to ensure the chosen terms are used.
The terms can be from chapters 1 through 5.
Underline the terms and supporting terms, and place definitions for each at the end of the initial discussion post.

 Chapter 3,4 and 5

OER eBook – Building a Medical Terminology Foundation 

The post You will need to turn a layperson’s paragraph into a medical professional paragraph. Learning is increased when students practice going in both directions; for first appeared on College Essays Cafe.


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