Your task is to complete the following practical activity in a workplace or suitably resourced simulated environment. In order to complete this activity safely and effectively, you will need access to the following resources and equipment:
? Workplace policies and procedures
? Office equipment and resources
? Case studies and, where available, real situations
? Interaction with others.
Activity 1
Your task is to design a coaching strategy for an organisation with the support of other relevant stakeholders. This coaching strategy must consider all relevant compliance requirements including legislation, regulation, policies, procedures and workplace processes. You will need to research the need for coaching in the organisation and provide a brief outline of the need for this assessment. This coaching strategy will need to contain:
1. Administration
2. Amount of material support
3. Application in the workplace
4. Content and resources
5. Expected outcomes
6. Facilities and location
7. Method or mode of interaction
8. Preferred learning style of the person being coached
9. Roles and responsibilities of key individuals
10. Reporting requirements
11. Required coaching skills and methods
12. Scope
13. Timelines
The basic design steps that may assist you in developing this strategy could include:
14. Create objectives based on the goals of the program. (what do you want the trainees to do within a certain timeline?). (provide a copy of the objectives in your strategy)
15. Create a type of mission statement for the program. This statement will:
a. Show the people in your organisation the purpose of the program
b. Will give the coaches and mentors something to focus on moving forward (provide a copy of the mission statement)
16. Get the buy-in of others in the organisation
17. Develop measures and evaluation checklists (provide copies of checklists developed)
18. Designing other tools and resources including induction and training tools and resources (provide a copy of the induction and training tools and other tools and resources developed)
19. Determine a schedule or timetable (provide a copy of the schedule)
20. Create a training program (provide a copy of the training program)
21. Identify the required resources (financial, physical and human) (provide a copy of the required resources)
22. Develop a recruitment process for coaches and trainee’s (provide a copy of the process developed)
23. Develop an implementation plan for your coaching strategy including promotional tools to encourage participation (provide a copy of the implementation plan)
24. Provide a procedure and process for supporting coaches (this will need to include a copy of a policy and procedure that will be used during implementation)
Activity 2
Once you have designed and developed each of the above documents you will need to implement the program using the implementation plan you have developed. This activity must be performed in a workplace environment or using a simulated environment that depicts a real workplace. You will need to:
25. Implement the coaching strategy choosing at least two people for the coaching strategy
26. Choose two coaches and two trainee’s
27. Recruit, match and induct each one using the tools you developed for matching participants
28. Complete coaching activities
29. Monitor the coaching activities and relationships and collect data on achievement of goals, whilst ensuring consistency of the implementation plan
30. Review your results from monitoring and evaluate all data to determine the outcome of the coaching program
31. Write a report outlining the outcomes and future improvements to your strategy
32. Provide rewards to those coaches who made a positive contribution to your coaching program
33. Where required you will need to resolve differences between the coaches and trainees
34. Offer professional development activities to coaches, you could provide a training plan or a list of opportunities for this activity
*Multiple copies of the checklist will need to be printed if the observation is to be observed more than once.
Practical Activity Checklist
The practical activity checklist is used by the assessor to observe the student demonstrating the application of the required skills and knowledge. For details on how to conduct and contextualise for competency, please refer to the section on contextualisation above.
*The assessor needs to ensure that they take detailed notes on the performance of the student in the comments section provided.
Student Name:
Assessor Name:
The student is able to demonstrate competency by:
Yes No
Your task is to design a coaching strategy for an organisation with the support of other relevant stakeholders. This coaching strategy must consider all relevant compliance requirements including legislation, regulation, policies, procedures and workplace processes. You will need to research the need for coaching in the organisation and provide a brief outline of the need for this assessment. This coaching strategy will need to contain:
o Administration
o Amount of material support
o Application in the workplace
o Content and resources
o Expected outcomes
o Facilities and location
o Method or mode of interaction
o Preferred learning style of the person being coached
o Roles and responsibilities of key individuals
o Reporting requirements
o Required coaching skills and methods
o Scope
o Timelines
The basic design steps that may assist you in developing this strategy could include:
o Create objectives based on the goals of the program. (what do you want the trainees to do within a certain timeline?). (provide a copy of the objectives in your strategy)
o Create a type of mission statement for the program. This statement will:
o Show the people in your organisation the purpose of the program
o Will give the coaches and mentors something to focus on moving forward (provide a copy of the mission statement)
o Get the buy-in of others in the organisation
o Develop measures and evaluation checklists (provide copies of checklists developed)
o Designing other tools and resources including induction and training tools and resources (provide a copy of the induction and training tools and other tools and resources developed)
o Determine a schedule or timetable (provide a copy of the schedule)
o Create a training program (provide a copy of the training program)
o Identify the required resources (financial, physical and human) (provide a copy of the required resources)
o Develop a recruitment process for coaches and trainee’s (provide a copy of the process developed)
Once you have designed and developed each of the above documents you will need to implement the program using the implementation plan you have developed. This activity must be performed in a workplace environment or using a simulated environment that depicts a real workplace. You will need to:
o Implement the coaching strategy choosing at least two people for the coaching strategy
o Choose two coaches and two trainee’s
o Recruit, match and induct each one using the tools you developed for matching participants
o Complete coaching activities
o Monitor the coaching activities and relationships and collect data on achievement of goals, whilst ensuring consistency of the implementation plan
o Review your results from monitoring and evaluate all data to determine the outcome of the coaching program
o Write a report outlining the outcomes and future improvements to your strategy
o Provide rewards to those coaches who made a positive contribution to your coaching program
o Where required you will need to resolve differences between the coaches and trainees
o Offer professional development activities to coaches, you could provide a training plan or a list of opportunities for this activity
Details of Students Performance:
Feedback Given to Student:
Result ? Satisfactory ? Not Yet Satisfactory
Assessor Signature Date: