After your presentations and debates, each student needs to upload a brief document (use DOC or PDF format to upload to Canvas) that states your name and student ID#, picks one representative quote (a different one for each group member!) from one of the assigned readings (not from the listicles below but from the weekly assigned readings related to these topics), followed by one sentence explaining that quote in your own words, and one or two sentences providing your argument or spin on this quote and its importance.I attached our groups powerpoint. Please check. For this assignment, just write about 200 words.Group 2 will consider (three or more) games based on a film:does the game have a clear narrative? what tasks must the player complete to succeed?
do the games have a central character you recognized from the cinematic model?
do these gameworlds resemble that of the films (consider lighting, sound, color, style, etc)?
what seems to be gained or lost in the process of adaptation?
Selected listicles to get you started:
Films: Kayleena Pierce-Bohen, “10 Video Game Adaptations You Didn’t Know Might Be Coming In 2021 (Links to an external site.)” Screen Rant (Jun 15, 2020)Luke Harkness, “The 10 Best Movies based on Video Games (Links to an external site.)”, Voolas (March 24, 2020)Meghan Cook, “Popular movies inspired by video games, ranked from worst to best (Links to an external site.)” Insider (Feb 14, 2020)SC Lannon, “10 Best Video Games Movies (Links to an external site.)” Studio Binder (Oct 24, 2019) John Sciarrino, “The 20 Best Movies based on Video Games, Ranked (Links to an external site.)” Maxim (Apr 16, 2018)& more: (Links to an external site.)
Games:Jacob Roach, “The best video games based on movies (Links to an external site.)”, Digitaltrends (Jan 28, 2021)Matt Rao, “Games That Are Based On Movies (Links to an external site.)”, Guru Gamer (Jun 22, 2020)Jason Wojnar, “10 Movie-Based Video Games (that are better than the movie) (Links to an external site.)” Game Rant (Nov 18, 2019) (Links to an external site.)Jason Bleau, “Top 10 Video Games Based on Movies (Links to an external site.)” Cinema Spotlight (Aug 6, 2019)James Holland, “7 Horrible Games Based On Movies (And 8 That Were Actually Good) (Links to an external site.)” The Gamer (Aug 3, 2017)& more:
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