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Making a grammar-focused lesson for a specific EL population









The purpose of this final project is to demonstrate how you would make a grammar-focused lesson for a specific EL population of your choosing (age, grade, educational background, years in the US, L1 proficiency level, English proficiency level) within a specific classroom context (self-contained/sheltered content classroom, pull-out ESOL, ESOL & SpEd, etc…). You will design one lesson that focuses exclusively on a grammar point of your choosing in relation to a larger unit that you might do in your own classroom. This lesson can be presented as (1) a single-day lesson focus on a particular grammar point within a larger content unit, or (2) the first day of a multi-day grammar-focused lessons within a larger content unit. The project will be in the style of a thematic unit – Part 1- background, Part 2 – lesson plan with activities, Part 3 – Justification. These three parts (minus the title page and reference page) should be between 12-15 pages in APA-style.
Background: Provide a 1-2 page background on the demographics of the learners, the type of classroom in which this lesson will take place, the larger unit in which this will occur, and whether this is a one-time grammar lesson or Day 1 of a multiple lesson grammar focus within the unit.
Lesson Plan: Note that grammar will be the focus of this lesson, not something that is briefly mentioned or glossed over. Given that, you will have language objectives that focus on that grammar point but also have one content objective (what content ESOL students will use the grammar for in this particular lesson as it relates to the overall unit). Think about how you will introduce the grammar point:
Has it already been taught and this is a review, or is it brand new to them?
What role will you play as the teacher in introducing this information?
What tools will you use to introduce this information?
What types of activities will you use that “Focus on Form?”



The post Making a grammar-focused lesson for a specific EL population first appeared on COMPLIANT PAPERS.


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