Background: You will be acting as an intelligence analysts with the Kentucky State Police (KSP), Intelligence Branch.

Background: You will be acting as an intelligence analysts with the Kentucky State Police (KSP),
Intelligence Branch. The Sheriff Lawen Order from Madison County (KY) has contacted the KSP
regarding recent activity within the county. Specifically, several individuals were recently arrested
within the county for selling meth and trafficking weapons. When booked into the county jail, a
Sherriff’s Deputy observed a number of unusual tattoos on the individuals. The tattoos included a
six-pointed star, a Latin cross with three dashes, and a rabbit head with a bent right ear. Sheriff
Order also indicated that there has been a small spike lately in violent crime including assaults,
thefts, and burglaries along with a higher incident of overdoses. Sheriff Order has requested an
Intelligence Information Report (IIR) that provides information including identifying the affiliations
of the individuals, their threat to Madison County, and priority recommendations for protecting key
assets in Madison County
2 pages single spaced
References per APA
Supplemental Readings, Report rubric and instructions provided in attachment

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