What makes millennial Black activism different from the civil rights activists of the 1950s and 1960s? What is the politics of respectability, and why do contemporary Black feminists reject it?

A. two Short Answer Questions For the first page
Submit your responses – 1 page single-spaced.
1. What makes millennial Black activism different from the civil rights activists of the 1950s and 1960s? What is the politics of respectability, and why do contemporary Black feminists reject it?
2. What makes online engagement and activism, including the creation of successful hashtags, a meaningful
form of democratic participation? What are the limits to Internet activism, and how do Black femininst
activists work to use the Internet to full advantage?

B, for the second page/ single space / go to

Watch Sarah J. Jackson’s Lightning Talk “#Hashtag Activism: The Rise and Influence of Networked Counterpublics”
from Boston Civic Media’s third annual conference, Civic Imagination: Designing and Building a Better Future, on
June, 3rd 2017.

Naomil Wadler, an 11-year-old speaks out, at the March For Our Lives rally in Washington, for all the African-
American girls who have been left out of the gun violence discussion. Wadler led a walkout at her elementary
school to bring attention to the gun violence in schools across the country.
This episode is called BLACK EYE ON AMERICA – WHAT IS BLACK TWITTER? 04/03/2017 In this episode, Roy Wood Jr.
examines how the black community has effectively appropriated Twitter.
Jackson argues for regarding Black feminist work as an important contribution to the democratic process. After
watching these videos, how is Black feminist work apparent in things like Black Twitter and in speeches like Naomi
Wadler? What stood out to you in these three videos? How are they similar/connected with each other and how are
they different, especially in light of the chapter, #Hashtag Activism: The Rise and Influence of Networked
Counterpublics? write one page, single spaced.

Note ( No Abstract)


  • select 5 research articles that investigate the topic, each research journal should have a written description (requirements included in attachment), and must create a table of contents for the selected research article titles (requirements In attachment).
  • Describe the evidence for the biological basis of the language disorder: Stuttering, using resources other than our textbook.
  • What from their background, relationship to the Cherokees, and motivation for writing their accounts, would create their biases?
  • Describe the process of how they were carried out, the outcomes, why they were successful, or not successful, and the lessons learned.
  • Analyze the ethical incident using the four principles of ethical decision making (beneficence, nonmaleficence, justice and autonomy).
  • What makes millennial Black activism different from the civil rights activists of the 1950s and 1960s? What is the politics of respectability, and why do contemporary Black feminists reject it?
  • *The Casey Anthony case was a well-known homicide case in Florida in which Casey Anthony was accused of killing her young daughter. Casey Anthony was found not guilty. Jury consultants were hired in the defense of Casey Anthony. Reflect on the role of jury consultants in this case. Did they aid in the defendant being found not guilty? If so, do you believe it should be permissible for defendants to hire them?
  • Explain the confidentiality rules of defense attorneys and explain some situations where they may be able to disclose confidential information.
  • Can you imagine any changes that might possibly increase your present well-being? How might it be possible to go about making any such changes in your relationship structures?
  • Are there differences between direct and indirect sun exposure on employee mental health and/or job satisfaction?


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