BHO6505 Business Marketing strategy And Management Method

BHO6505 Marketing Management


Assessment guidance

In this assessment, you demonstrate your understanding and ability to produce a detail digital marketing campaign proposal based on SOSTACR for a feasible project (product / service) within the organisation of your choice.


In recent years the economic downturn, recession, the global banking crisis, political and social unrest and pandemic has had an impact on organisations of all shapes and sizes at a global scale. This has resulted in organisations to maximise the use of available resources and adopt the modern approach to be more competitive in continuous changing business environment.

The coursework is based around a digital sales and marketing campaign proposal covering audit, strategy development and performance evaluation of an organisation of your choice (small, medium or large) through the SOSTACR framework.


You are expected to choose a business (small or large) of your choice. You could choose a business in any sector (preferably the one you currently employed at) and demonstrate your understanding of conducting the initial audit, develop the strategy and use the digital sales and marketing tools to enhance the performance of the business through digital media. The coursework is based around a digital marketing audit, strategy, tactics and evaluation-based proposal on improving the digital marketing effectiveness towards improving the organisation’s target customer’s overall experience with the selected brand.

You are required to produce a professional 3000-words report which comprises of a digital marketing audit (Use of the Sales and Marketing Tools), a digital marketing mix, strategy, a digital marketing plan based on effective channel distribution and performance evaluation framework for the company of your choice. This task is worth (60%) of the total marks. This is a single professional report and there are three parts to this assessment, all must be completed and in this order:

Digital Marketing Audit (30% weighting)

The digital marketing audit is a picture of where the organisation is now. It is a research work to inform future decisions and should be supported by academic underpinning.

  • SWOT on the organisation’s current use of digital media including digital platforms.
  • Evaluation of digital presence of two competitors.
  • Identification of One key customer segment and develop the suitable persona.
  • Customer journey complementing the selected segment (flowchart or info graphic). The digital marketing audit is likely to include a range of digital marketing tools, frameworks and models while you are expected to use the illustrations / visual presentation of information where required.

Digital Marketing Objectives and Strategy (20% weighting)

  • Develop the SMART objectives (3 – 5 objectives) associated with the delivery of improved customer experience.
  • The digital marketing strategy is the next stage in the proposal which is based on the digital marketing audit.

This will include: Recommended digital marketing strategy model based on the audit and the use of digital media channels. The digital marketing strategy is likely to include a digital marketing model (e.g. RACE, Forrester’s 5Is etc.) and should be supported by academic underpinning.

Digital Marketing Plan (30% weighting)

Comprehensive sales and marketing strategy plan (based on digital marketing mix which will include communication plan).

An outline implementation plan identifying different activities mentioned in the communication plan. The plan shows how the organisation encompass the channel distribution for effective sales and marketing strategy. The plan has to be realistic and clearly identify the performance evaluation approach.

This will include: Apply comprehensive implementation approach with consideration of resources required for effective channel distribution approach towards the implementation of strategy.

Performance Evaluation (15% weighting)

  • Development of the performance evaluation framework based on the identification of relevant KPIs and suitable evaluation methods.
  • Presentation (5% weighting)
  • Screengrabs of websites.
  • Relevant images.
  • Clear headings.

The assignment should:

  • Prove your theoretical understanding of issues in the digital environment.
  • Be appropriate for the target audience.
  • Provide examples of best practice.

BHO6505 Marketing Management

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