Explain how Hwangs intertext refashion its source text to create new meaning?

Intertextuality is a complex and sometimes controversial art; a writer may attempt to
preserve or change an original works theme, comment ironically upon it, or update it to
accommodate changes in a society. When the adaptation or appropriation is in a different
medium from the original, the artist has a whole new set of issues to consider. Compare
Puccinis opera Madame Butterfly (as referenced in the play) and Hwangs M. Butterfly.
Explain how Hwangs intertext refashion its source text to create new meaning?


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  • Write a brief reflection addressing any issues a case like this might bring up for you.
  • Do you believe the publics response was reasonable or unreasonable?
  • What are two or three main concepts you learned from the book?
  • Explain the moral principle at stake in this policy or procedure.
  • Explain how Hwangs intertext refashion its source text to create new meaning?


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