Case Exercise 1
Attached Files:
● Sales (Global Sales)_Migrated Data.csv (7.586 MB)
● Instructions for Tableau Project CE 1.pdf (419.426 KB)
You are to make several small visualizations using Tableau that will give you an idea of what the capabilities of a professional information visualization package are. The focus of this assignment is the creation of visualization, however, not becoming an expert at Tableau. See our resources page for suggested links to Tableau documentation on how to use Tableau’s main features. Also explore their website for instructional videos and demonstrations. I strongly suggest you begin work on this assignment earlier than usual as it requires gaining expertise with Tableau as well as making the visualizations. When you make your visualizations be sure to add the necessary elements to make them nicely finished presentations. Please be created the exercise visualizations are guides (i.e., include title, annotations, sorting, coloring/highlighting, etc. as you see fit to best communicate your message).
Lesson Objectives
At the end of this lesson, you will be able to:
● Create a cycle plot. (20 points)
● Format the cycle plot to display a combined line and area chart. (20 points) ● Recognize seasonality by month. (10 points)
This lesson was produced using Tableau Desktop 10.
Please download these resource/attach files before you begin.
Also, save/submit Tableau Packeged Workbook as (.twbx). see link below.
If you get stuck, consult Tableau’s training resources
Also, if needed I can set-up a Collaborate Room Session or appointments.
The post You are to make several small visualizations using Tableau that will give you an idea of what the capabilities of a professional information visualization package are. The focus of this assignment is the creation of visualization, however, not becoming an expert at Tableau. See our resources page for suggested links to Tableau documentation on how to use Tableau’s main features. Also explore their website for instructional videos and demonstrations. I strongly suggest you begin work on this assignme appeared first on My Academic Papers.